Emo Subculture

1787 Words4 Pages




Ways of life

(Emo subculture)

Table of contents

1. Introduction…………………………………….1

2. Emo subculture…………………………………….1

3. History……………………………..1

4. Music ……………………………………..1

5. Fashion……………………………………….2

4.1 Clothing

4.2 Hairstyle

4.3 Make-ups and accessories

6. Lifestyle …………………………………….3

5.1 What do they believe in?

5.2 What do they do?

7. Values and attitude…………………………………..3

6.1 Viewpoint in life

6.2 Behaviour

6.3 What’s the reason behind all these?

8. Society’s point of view……………………………4

7.1 Other related subcultures

7.2.1 Gothics

7.2.2 Scenes

7.2.3 Punks

9. Conclusion………………………………….4

10. Bibliography……………………………………………5

11. Appendices …………………………………………….6-9


The purpose of this report is to introduce emo subculture and the different aspects about it. It includes the history , fashion, lifestyle, values and attitude of this particular subculture. But before anything else, what does the word subculture mean? This word will be often use later on this report and therefore its important for us to know the meaning of it. Subculture is a group of people having the same/common interest which differentiates them from a larger culture to where they belong. Subcultures can be identified by age, ethnicity, class, location and gender of the members. Different subcultures have their own styles which differentiates them from the other.

The main aim of this report is to inform the people, especially the teenagers about emo subculture.

Emo subculture

Emo short for emotional; this subculture is generally made as a group of teenagers who desper...

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...urs. They listen to rock music, different from the music that emos listen to.


Emo subculture is a growing subculture. It is very influential eventhough it is hated by many. Everyone should respect the emos. They are different but still deserving to be respected. Their lifestyle, fashion, music, attitudes are just ways to show the identity of “the group”. But no one knows the real feeling of being an emo unless you are one them.

Society can never blame emos for being emos. Maybe these kinds of people are just too weak to carry their burden. Advice or help will be very useful rather than throwing insults to them.




Information based on survey answers


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