Effective Discipline in Classroom Management

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As a teacher managing problem behavior in your classroom can be one of the most challenging tasks. Behavior problems can range from disruption of lessons to acts of violence against fellow students and teachers. Children’s emotional setbacks and life challenges can also contribute to behavior issues at school. A study done by the Justice Center and the Public Policy Research Institute found that six out of ten students suffered from an “emotional disturbance” and were expelled or suspended between seventh and twelfth grade (Firke, 2011). This same study showed that discipline varied greatly between schools. This report also revealed the urgent need for a more thoughtful technique in school discipline policies. In many cases teachers have exhausted their classroom management strategies without success. Behavior Modification is aimed at improving school and classroom behavior, and can give teachers additional tools to help them to deal proactively and effectively with behaviors that are disruptive to students and teachers in the classroom. When children are disruptive in the classroom it can cause a lot of problems for their classmates and their teacher. Yet, in the long run, it's the disruptive child themselves who is most impacted, on both a social and educational level (Epstein, Atkins, Cullinan, Kutash, & Weaver, 2008). Behavior modification techniques should be used in school, to change the negative behaviors, and increase the positive behaviors seen in these children.

Currently, the public school system has failed to have a universal discipline strategy, and many schools take a school to prison approach, to weed out the bad seeds that they are incapable of managing. Many of these students have been victims of po...

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...008). Reducing Behavior

Problems in the Elementary School Classroom: A Practice Guide (NCEE #2008-012).

Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance,

Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from http://ies.


Smith, K. (n.d.). Behavior modification. a proactive intervention for the classroom. Unpublished

manuscript, Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnosota, Minneapolis,

Minnosota. Retrieved from http://www.cehd.umn.


Firke, B. US Department of Education, Public Policy Research Institute. (2011). Ending the

school to prison pipeline Washington, DC: Retrieved from


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