Dissociative Experience During Childbirth

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The article I chose was “Dissociative experience during childbirth.” This experiment was assessing whether or not labor pain, traumatic childbirth, obstetrical variables, and previous trauma were part of causing a dissociative experience during childbirth.
The method used to study the hypothesis was by having 328 women completed five surveys up to 72 hours postpartum. They were between the ages of 18-42. Out of the group 68.6% were married or living with a partner and 43.3% had a job. The average number of years the women spent in school was 8.8yrs. More than half (59.2%), did not complete high school and only 2% (6) completed higher education. From the group, 19.2% of them had a miscarriage before. More than half (51.5%) had already had a baby before, and 22.1% had a high risk pregnancy. These surveys included the peritraumatic dissociative experience questionnaire (PDEQ), the socio-demographic and obstetrical questionnaire, the pain numeric rating scale, the Trauma History Questionnaire, and the SCID-I for traumatic events. The female participants were recruited from two maternity facilities which were located in Recife, Brazil. Participation for this experiment was voluntary and the participants were informed that if they did not wish to take part in the experiment their future care would not be affected. Out of the women asked to participated 30 refused and 328 took part in the examination. The requirements for women to participate were: 18yrs or older, up to 72 hours postpartum, and the baby was alive at the time of the interview. Women who were under treatment for a psychiatric disorder were excluded. Between July 2010 and November 2010, data was collected.
The Socio-demographic and obstetrical characteristics questi...

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...nfirm the implications of the results and to provide more research into dissociative experiences during childbirth. The author feels that good support during labor is necessary, and medical staff who provide good pain relief and information during delivery may reduce perinatal dissociation. The author feels that support should be improved for patients that have a fear of losing their baby or their own death and for women who have had trauma in their lives.

Works Cited

Zambaldi C., Cantilino A., Albuquerque Farias J., Paranhos Morales G., Botelho Sougey E., Dissociative experience during childbirth, Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, Vol. 32, 204-209 http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.occlib.nocccd.edu/ehost/detail?vid=5&sid=b5b55813-2105-403a-9d40-77106d50c8b8%40sessionmgr115&hid=127&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=pbh&AN=67058653, 3/12/2014

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