Dimensions of Spirituality That Have a Significant Impact on One's Health

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A poll taken within the United States found that 79% of the population considered themselves “spiritual” (Daly, 2005). According to Broccolo, Piles, Swinburne, and Van Kaam, spirituality may be defined as a universal human dimension which inheres every individual, whether religious, humanist, hedonist, or atheist (as cited by Goddard, 1995, p. 809). It has also been described as a gestalt process involving continuous change and growth in one’s life as he or she searches for meaning and a sense of purpose (Goddard, 1995). An individual who is spiritual is more than often in tune with the ‘self’ both physically and mentally and while this may be positive and motivational in terms of pursuing excellence and success, it may also be straining. According to Conrad, certain dimensions of spirituality have a significant impact on one’s health (2005).

One specific factor related to individual’s mental health is perfectionism. Perfectionism may be defined as someone who is driven by fear of failure to strive compulsively towards goals beyond reach or reason (Sorotzkin, 1998). A more optimistic aspect of perfectionism, the “nonpathological” perfectionists (one who simply strives for excellence) does exist, however it is often overshadowed. While there are different facets of perfectionism (self-oriented, other-oriented, and socially-prescribed perfectionists) they all have a commonality focusing on an unrealistic standard of evaluation. These types of perfectionists may be considered “pathological” perfectionist who tend to ruminate over such unrealistic standards, finding no satisfaction unless perfection is met and experiencing humiliation when it is not.

It is not uncommon to find pathological perfectionists within spiritual or rel...

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...they perceive as being bad or evil in order to maintain their “perfect” image (1998). The enigma here however is that such “evilness” may actually be normal, rational feelings or behaviors that are undermined because they do not meet the unreasonable levels of expectation.

A decrease in the misinterpretations and assumptions sometimes found in spirituality alongside balance within the perfection-minded individual would be beneficial. While perfection may not always be negative (when it is used as motivation towards success and satisfaction in efforts) and spirituality can in fact create strength as it provides a sense of purpose and meaning in one’s life, the combination of the two is what is crucial. Looking at previous data and literature, I am furthering the research to see if there is a positive or negative relationship between spirituality and perfectionism.

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