Different Types of Security Attacks in Internet of Things

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Security threats in IoT
Different types of security attacks in Internet of Things
1. Cloning of Things
Cloning is making the similar physical and behavioral copy of existing thing. Cloning of things in Internet of Things is making the device that holds the exact behaviors of the existing device in the market. By cloning things any manufacturer can make things and include the properties of the things like physical configurations or behaviors. In Internet of Things devices interact with humans as well as other devices to share the information. If the cloned device is programmed to pass the user sensitive information to the untrusted servers, it may cause serious problems to the user. So when buying the devices users should verify the manufacturer of the device for security purposes. The manufacturers have to find a way to securely transmit the data to only trusted device by some verification methodologies like authenticating the users to access the web.
2. Malicious substitution of things
Malicious substitution of things is replacing the trusted things with untrusted things that may cause information loss. Identity loss is one of the biggest problems with the internet. A malicious company may manufacture a thing that looks and behaves similarly as the things made by other trusted company which may cause the loss to belief the customers have on the company. The malicious things look and behave similarly like the real ones. The user is not aware of the actions that are going on the server side, so if a user finds something wrong with the device he may loss trust on the real manufacture of the device.
3. Eaves Dropping attack
Eavesdropping is listening to the private conversations or private messages that are not intended for this device. A device may listen to another network of devices that are communicating within themselves. In IoT, devices within our home interact with each other and will communicate with the server. So if an untrusted device is fixed in the home it will not only listen to the messages that are intended to it but also to all the messages. This problem may be reduced by having different routers for the communication. Using different ports for internal and external communications reduces the risk of eavesdropping of messages. Manufacturers should have a protocol to protect the messages being listened by the untrusted devices. To protect customers, manufacturers should have a protocol like cryptography in which the messages are encrypted at the sender side and only the legitimate receiver can decrypt the messages.

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