The Development of Nanotechnology

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The word “Nanotechnology” is defined as the science of working with atoms and molecules to build devices that are extremely small.
At first the concept nanotechnology and describing a mater in molecular or atomic scale spread very slowly. In 1867 James Clerk Maxwell proposed an experiment of small entity named Maxwell’s Demon capable of handling person molecules to show that the second law of thermodynamics has only statistical certainty1. After that Richard Adolf Zsigmondy used the nanometer scale for particle size characterization in 1914. In 1952 at Caltech, Richard Feynman had a talk with the title of ‘There’s A lot of Area at the Bottom’. In his lecture he proposed that direct manipulation of individual atoms is a more powerful method for synthetic chemistry2.
In 1974 the first technical definition of nanotechnology proposed by Norio Taniguchi at Tokyo Science University as processing, separation, consolidation and deformation of supplies by a single atom or molecule3. Later on, in 1980 Eric Drexler proposed the idea of using molecular manufacturing in industries and also ori...

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