Designer Babies

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Designer Babies

Since the time DNA was discovered, genetic modification has been advancing in our world. Around the late 20th century designing babies became a new topic. Genetic engineering is a powerful and potentially very dangerous tool. To alter the sequence of nucleotides of the DNA that code for the structure of complex living organisms, can have extremely ill effects although the potential benefits can be huge. Today’s advances in gene therapy make it possible to remove bad genes and replace them with functioning genes in cells lacking this function. Though these techniques are available, they are still in experimental stages. Somatic cell therapy uses bad genes to target the affected areas for genetic treatment. This technique is beneficial in the treatment of cancers and lung, blood and liver disorders. Since the treatment is localized, any unwanted effects of this are not passed on to the next generation.

These advances in genetic engineering make the possibility of “designer babies” a reality this process to design a baby to the parent’s specification is called “germline engineering” and it would allow parents to pick the genes they want for their future child. How far this could go is unpredictable; theoretically humans could for example be made more efficient requiring less food but able to work harder. Every parent wants their child to be special and this is the method many parents are looking for. When the choice to change every characteristic of a child is available, many would not refuse. Why have average children when it is possible to have one with perfect health, one whose good looking, intelligent and every other desirable characteristic parents could want? ...

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...his reason the child wouldn’t have the traits their parents gave them and that would be wrong. People should believe that everyone is special ad not try to make their children perfect because we don’t live in a perfect world.

Works Cited

"Designer Babies - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - Web. 09 Mar. 2011. .

"Designer Babies: Ethical Considerations (ActionBioscience)." ActionBioscience - Promoting Bioscience Literacy. Web. 09 Mar. 2011. .

Size, Font. ""Designer Babies" Ethical? - The Early Show - CBS News." Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News. Web. 09 Mar. 2011. .

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