Desdemona - Virtuous Woman or Modern Woman Challenging Oppressive Societal Values?

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The polysemic nature of Shakespeare’s Othello means that throughout time, different cultures have found certain readings of particular characters more relevant than others. For example, there are many possible readings of Desdemona, but two of the more dominant interpretations include seeing her as the ideal wife who falls victim to an abusive husband and viewing Desdemona as a progressive woman who contributed to her downfall by being outspoken and challenging the position of women in her time. Both readings are relevant to contemporary society especially when you take into consideration the role feminism has played in shaping modern thinking and the number of abusive relationships portrayed in our media. However as will be shown, contemporary society feels more comfortable viewing women as innocent, pure and good and therefore a reading of Othello, which perceives Desdemona as a victim, will always be more relevant.

The Tragedy of Othello could more aptly be described as the Tragedy of Desdemona, as the real tragedy of the story is that a loving and faithful wife is killed by a jealous and abusive husband.

• Desdemona demonstrates her love for Othello by risking family rejection

• Can’t believe that a woman could be unfaithful –maybe naively but still demonstrates her beliefs

• Set up by a stolen hanky and her kind nature, willing to put the needs of others before herself (trying to help Cassio)

• Qualities that fulfil the discourse of the good wife? And yet she was killed in a domestic dispute.

This reading constructs Desdemona in a way that relies on a traditional understanding of the Virgin Mary; pure, chaste and sacrificial, however an alternate interpretation places her more into the role of someone like Germa...

... middle of paper ... that perpetrates stereotypes by relying on traditional discourses of femininity prevalent in our media will be the more relevant to modern audiences.’

Desdemona is a character that can be read in multiple ways, some of which are more relevant to contemporary society than others. Desdemona can be interpreted as the “good woman” who despite displaying great virtues is murdered by her jealous husband or as a modern woman challenging oppressive societal values. Both readings are relevant to modern society however interpreting Desdemona, as the innocent victim is more relevant for contemporary society as audiences are more familiar with this version of femininity because it has become normalised in the media. Hopefully with time, contemporary audiences may become more receptive to readings that challenge the dominant sexist ideologies still prevalent in society.

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