Database in Distributive Environment

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Database in Distributive Environment

Database is a diverse collection of information which manages data and allows fast storage and retrieval of that data. Each application requires database to hold the data specific to the application, which is accessed by the users. However, each application according to its requirement needs different type of database. Researchers classify the databases according to the user specific functionalities, parameters as well as application.

There have been several discussions and researches on the joins, which is a key performance indicator of any database. Some researchers outweighed the centralized database over distributed database, based on the analysis of joins performed in above mentioned two databases. For example, Sharma and Singh (2012) conclude that in centralized database data is placed at central location while in distributed database, data is distributed among several locations to increase access transparency. They found that data is placed over a central location to avoid any redundancy in the database. In contrast, Carbunar and Sion (2012) explain that sensitive data in parallel distributed system are placed by a client on a database server situated at service provider. On the basis of joins performed the authors found that the server should not be able to evaluate inter-column join predicates on initially stored data.

In addition, since the join performance determines the speed of databases, some authors found that cloud database is better than parallel database. Cheng, Yu and Yu (2011) show that the HPSJ algorithm processes an R-join between two base relations, it first gets all centers that have a nonempty x-labeled F sub cluster and a nonempty y-labeled T sub cluster, using the table and maintains them. The authors describe that two step R-join algorithm is used to process temporal relation that contains R-join attributes. On the other hand, Carbunar and Sion (2012) explain that join algorithms returns all matching tuple which makes parallel database faster. Different authors see the parameters according to the use in specific application.

According to researchers another category is load balancing. For example Lubbe, Reuter and Mitschang (2012) proposed an algorithm for load balancing of partitioned data. This aims at balancing the amount of data and focus on reducing data skew between partitions. They also showed that if current load rises above some certain threshold in a particular node then it will check the load in the neighboring node and if the load in that node is below the threshold then the load will be shared amongst them.

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