Computer Science Terms

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Computer Science Terms:

Composite structure: the size of a typical software system implies that it must be broken down into manageable pieces of this

Composition: the process of building a system using simpler parts or components

Abstraction: the process of ignoring details irrelevant to the problem at hand and emphasizing essential ones. To abstract is to disregard certain differentiating details

Data: the info the program deals with

Functionality: what the program does with the data, the responsibility of the object to do

Object: the most abstract description of a basic component of an object oriented system

Values: a fundamental piece of info that can be manipulated by the program

Types: a set of related values along with the operations that can be preformed with them

Object: fundamental abstractions from which systems are built

Classes: a set of objects having the same features and properties

State of an object: the set of data maintained by an object at any given time

Reference values: a value that denotes an object

Data descriptions: properties of the object (name, date, etc)

Associated value: a property an object has at any given time

Variable: a portion of memory reserved to hold a single value

Instance variables: a variable that is a permanent part of an object: memory space for the variable is allocated when the object is created

Immutable: an object that's state cannot be changed

Mutable: and object that's state can be changed

*An object is characterized by the features it offers*

1. Query: a request for data

2. Command: a request to change state

Float & Double: sets of real rational numbers (i.e. 170000 or 1.4e12)

Char: set of values representing Unicode ...

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Chapter 6:

*Black box testing = functional testing

Test design generally begins with an analysis of

· The functional specifications of the system

· The ways in which the system will be used

Test case is defined by:

· A statement of case objectives

· The data set for the case

· The expected results

Functional testing: testing to determine that the system as a whole meets the customer's specifications. The system is treated as a "black box" whose behavior can be observed, but whose internal structure is unknown.

*white box testing= unit testing

Unit testing: incremental testing of classes as they are implemented in order to ensure that they function properly. Testing can be "white box testing" where the tests are developed based on the unit's implementation, or "gray box testing" where tests are developed based solely on a method's specification

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