Benefits of Working as a Freelance Writer

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The ever-changing technology has led to the expansion of freelance markets. From continent to continent, country to country, city to city and village to village, you will come across many remote workers who have partially or fully dedicated their time to writing articles. The emergence and rapid spread of the internet to rural areas has been alluded as the main reason behind the rapid development of extensive and active online communities of freelance writers and other potential clients. The rapid increase in the number of people signing up for the increased freelance jobs has called for the need to study the benefits and risks associated with this profession.

In doing so, this paper precisely defined who a freelance writer was. The paper also identified, analyzed and provided a comparison among the benefits and risks associated with freelance writing. Conclusively, the paper justified why the benefits of this profession outweigh the risks.

A freelance writer or a freelancer is a writer who is self-employed (Allen 2). A freelancer signs contract(s) with publishers or research firms to write assignments at certain fees. From another perspective, a broad definition of a freelance writer can be someone who worked independently while submitting his pieces of writing to different companies or businesses for publication (The Michigan State University 1). Furthermore, freelance writers get paid for their pieces of work based on flat rates or number of pages written.

Freelance writers have a variety of benefits to choose from. Freelance writers established expanded networks by way of interacting with friends and clients: hence helping one another. For instance, online freelance members can freely share ideas touching on their gene...

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...they started by accruing incomes in their saving accounts. These savings can be very useful in the initial lean periods when these writers will not have started earning from their new professions. However, to address on this issue most freelance firms have introduced payments twice-a-month to cater for these categories of their employees. As a result, this has provided the freelance writing community with steady flow of incomes.

Works Cited

Allen, Moira A. Starting Your Career as a Freelance Writer. 2nd ed. New York: Allworth Communication, 2011. Print.

Friedman, Jane. Beginning Writer's Answer. 30 ed. USA: Writer's Digest Books, 2006. Print.

Michigan State University. Professional Writing at Michigan State University. Michigan State University, n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2011.

The Writer’s Digest. Writer's Digest University. Ohio: Writer's Digest Books, 2010. Print.

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