The Battles in Beowolf

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Each battle have their own purpose and struggles, each one comes with its own feeling of obligation, fame, and struggle. In the book Beowulf there is a demon named Grendel who kills thirty men a night for the past twelve years and nobody is willing to go up against him until now. Beowulf has the strength of thirty men and volunteers to fight Grendel only to discover what seemed easy came with more struggles than anticipated.
As the great king Shield passed away Hrothgar took over for Shield and reigned as king. Wanting to build a monument for his success Hrothgar builds a mead-hall he calls Heorot. Grendel a descendent of Cain heard about Heorot and came to listen to the entertainment. When he heard the songs sung about God he became angry and killed thirty men a night for twelve years. Hrothgar’s men powerless against the beast cannot do anything to stop the monster. Beowulf hears of the demon and wants to fight it. He gathers men to help fight the demon. When they arrive they go to Heorot to prepare for battle that night Unferth challenges Beowulf with the swimming challenge against Brecca. The night comes and Grendel arrives to kill his thirty men like he does every night not knowing he was in for a surprise. Beowulf wakes and fights Grendel hand to hand no sword or armor. They lock wrists and after a while Beowulf his able to rip of Grendel’s arm killing him. While he was fighting the demon his men were trying to slay the demon with their swords only to discover Grendel had placed a spell on all swords so they cannot kill him. Beowulf and his men thinking they were done and helped Denmark gain back its freedom they begun to prepare to leave. Only to discover their journey has just begun.
Grendel’s death angered his mother so she set out to avenge his death. She goes to the mead-hall and takes back Grendel’s arm that was displayed as a trophy and she snatches a sleeping man. Hearing the noise it awakes the others and Grendel’s mother flees taking Aeschere and the arm with her to her lair. Beowulf not staying at Heorot was not able to fight Grendel’s mom. Feeling obligated to fight her and goes to her lair. Swimming across the water that scares animals away he arrives to her lair. He battles Grendel’s mom this time with a Hrunting from Unferth and also wears armor.

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