Four Teaching Strategies

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TASK: Assess four teaching methods and strategies used in your school and discus innovations that should take place to make them more effective and learner centred. ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING METHODS AND STRATEGIES The biggest challenge before a teacher is the presentation of a lesson. If a lesson presentation is effective, students can reach the goals of life by acquisition of knowledge; and if the teacher is unsuccessful in his presentation, it is impossible to achieve the educational objectives. The method of teaching is directly related to the presentation of the lesson. The method of teaching depends on the nature of the subject, and the tact of the teacher. This essay is aimed at assessing teaching methods and strategies used in schools and discuss innovations that should take place to make them more effective and learner centred. Brandes and Ginnis (1996:167) acknowledge that the movement from established well-known ground to explore new teaching strategies is a tough challenge to teachers. In a classroom, a teaching strategy is a generalized plan for a lesson which includes structure, instructional objectives and an outline of planned tactics, necessary to implement the strategies. Reece and Walker (2002) describe a teaching strategy as a combination of student activities supported by the use of appropriate resources to provide …show more content…

Students should be given an opportunity to criticise and evaluate the topic of discussion and also logical and meaningful criticism should be appreciated and accepted. While the discussion is in progress, the teacher should make sure that every student is actively participating. Sometimes, the more talkative learners would tend to monopolize the discussion. In such cases Nacino-Brown et al (1982) proposes that the teacher should be quick but subtle in directing the discussion to involve the less able

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