Arthur Miller's Criticism of Society

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Writers may use literature as a vehicle of social criticism. In which ways does Arthur Miller criticize society? Arthur Miller’s The Crucible is a play that was first performed in 1953 in the United States of America in the midst of the persecution of alleged communists during the era of McCarthyism. Although the play explicitly addresses the Salem which hunt, many find that the play is an analogy to McCarthyism due to the striking similarities in which the people behaved. Miller highlight the different groups of characters in order to reveal overlying ideas of the play such as: Self preservation, power, and hypocrisy. Self-preservation is an underlying idea throughout the plot of The Crucible. In the society during the witch-hunt, one could only avoid being blamed falsely for non-existing crimes was to claim that others (usually a smaller group of individuals) were the ones to blame as they force the accused to carry out deeds. This led to an era of false accusations just as during McCarthyism where someone’s good name was easily diminished. Miller introduces self-preservation in Abigail’s response to harshly interrogated. Abigail realizes the error she has made in her actions in the past and sees that she will get into trouble; thus, she quickly changes her stance by shouting “She made me do it, She made Betty do it”(43). This is a great example of how people in societies being governed or manifested by hypocrisy deal with deflecting blame as they can easily without a just claim blame others for their own wrongs. As a result to Tituba’s accusation of being a witch, Parris (his master) repeatedly shouts at her “Their names, their name!”(47) in order wash away Tituba’s affiliation with witchcraft, as her confession and ... ... middle of paper ... ...l, Miller attempts to criticize societies that are governed by hypocrisies as they open the gateway for many to attain previously unreachable levels of power and are able to commit a crime without paying for it by blaming it entirely on someone else on false charges. Miller’s The Crucible does an excellent job in reflecting not only the society in its direct context of Salem but also other societies such as the society of the U.S during McCarthyism. Miller even though being accused of being a communist, is able to pass on his views about how hypocrisy is a dangerous yet immensely famous tool to which societies sometimes fall to in order to achieve almost an anarchy where people’s survival are based on their ability to blame others. "I lie and sign myself to lies! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!" (Miller 133)

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