The Apartheid in South Africa

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The Apartheid started in 1948 when Dr. Malan’s National Party beat the United Party who wanted integration. After the National Party won they had been given the Sauer report, which said that they had to choose between integration or an Apartheid. They chose the Apartheid which meant racial segregation of all of the races. They were split into 3 groups black, coloured and white and they were forced to move to an area specifically designated to their colour. There was petty Apartheid introduced so that black people couldn’t use the same building as white people. This was introduced to stop white and black people mixing. It also affected benches, water fountains and also beaches to humiliate anyone who wasn’t white. Black or coloured people weren’t allowed to marry or have sexual relationships with people who aren’t the same colour, to stop the spread of coloured people and the National Party stayed in power by making sure only white people could vote.

South Africa is placed at the bottom of Africa and is on the trade route for ships. That is why the white people started to set up a settlement so that they could start a new life and start a business for a stop off point for ships travelling around the bottom of Africa. Dutch were the first white people to move there because they wanted to escape persecution for their religion in their home country; they wanted to start a new life away from their old one. The British invaded because they wanted it as their own settlement because it was a stop off point for people on the trade route and it was also between located Britain and India, which was part of the British Empire and therefore important to get to. The British also thought of it as more land for the Empire even if people were alr...

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...rt of the Apartheid and the segregation of the population of South Africa being split up into three groups of people. The blacks the multiracial and the white group which led to the blacks and the multiracial being abused and oppressed by the white people who humiliated them with their petty Apartheid laws and how they couldn’t use the same park bench as someone of a different race.

My conclusion of why the South African government introduced the Apartheid was because they felt insecure about the black people taking over and ruling the country which could have led to the whites being kicked out of South Africa and also they must have felt that they were more powerful than the black man and that they could push them around because they had technology, or they could not get on well with people from other races or people who weren’t from their own group.

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