Analysis of the Fragile X Syndrome

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"Fragile X Syndrome (also called FXS) is the most common cause of inherited mental retardation." (2011, University of Michigan Health System). "The gene on the X chromosome that causes FXS is called the Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. The FMR1 gene makes a protein that is needed for normal brain development." (September 1, 2006. Department of Human Health and Services Center of Disease Control and Prevention.) When this protein is not made, that is when FXS occurs. Fragile X Syndrome is what is called a chromosomal sex-linked trait. A change or mutation in a gene on the X chromosome causes the Fragile X Syndrome. As human beings we have 46 chromosomes. In these 46 are two genes that are sex linked. These 2 chromosomes determine whether you are male or female. If you are male, your chromosomes are an X and a Y. If you are female you have two Xs. For example, when reproduction occurs each child receives a set of chromosome from each parent, there is a chance that out of four children, 2 will have this disorder. (Please refer to the chart below.)
Father with Muta0ted Gene MotheDr with Mutated Gene DOD0
0 =Male =Abnormal FMR1 Gen b =Female =Normal FMR1 Gene

Fragile X Syndrome is one of the genetic disorders that are grouped in what is called trinucleotide. "DNA is made up of four chemical building blocks called nucleotides: A, C,
T, and G." (September 1, 2006. Department of Human Health and Services Center of
Disease Control and Prevention.) When the trinucleotide repeat disorders repeat, they use 3 of these nucleotides. In everyone’s DNA it repeats, but it is only "dangerous" when they repeat many times, which causes the genes to not work correctly. "A normal FMR1 gene has between about 6 and 45 CGG repeats....

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...t Fragile X Syndrome.
Work Cited
Colorado Fragile X Consortium. (2008). School of medicine Colorado Fragile X Consortium.
(April25, 2011). From: ne_Basic.aspx
Fragile X Syndrome. (2011). University ofMichigan Health System. (April26, 2011). From:
'Fragile X Syndrome. (September 1, 2006). Department of Human Health and Services Center of Disease Control and Prevention. (April25, 2011).
What should I do if l find out someone in my family has fragile X syndrome? (August 18,
2006). National Institutions of Health Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. (April 26, 2011). From:

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