The Beginning of a Campaign for Women's Suffrage

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The Beginning of a Campaign for Women's Suffrage In this essay the reasons why the campaign for women's suffrage developed will be explained using the various acts and all the different changes that happened to women. In the year 1870 and well before that time women were being treated very unfairly and were classed as second class citizens. There were many restrictions put there by men to stop women from being on the same level as men these included · The right to vote, they could not vote · Women did not have the right to work in politics. · Women could not own their own properties · Women could not be the legal guardians of their own children. · If women had any money or earned any money then it would all go to the husband or the man of the house. The only people before 1870 who could vote were middle class men, upper class men and men who were working class but lived in towns. Women could not vote at all. There were many stupid but traditional ideologies at the time given to why women could not vote. These were that men and women were not only physically different but men were also psychologically and intellectually superior to women. Men saw women as intellectually inferior because they believed that women's brains are smaller than that of a mans. They argued that women were unstable and would be unaware of there surroundings during the stages of puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. They were said to be fickle, childish, bad tempered and prone to change their minds. They also argued that women were already represented by the men of their families and that if they had the vote they would be incapable of forming their own opinions and would vote as their husbands or fathers did. There were many social changes that women experienced in the 1800s which led to the campaign fro the right to vote developing these changes included the opening of schools and colleges for girls.

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