The American Revolution: An Economic Movement

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The American Revolution modeled the path taken by a social and economic movement in many more aspects than that of a political and intellectual movement. Even though political reasons existed for the cause the Revolution, the revolution should be considered an economic movement based on the idea of “no taxation without representation.” The colonists believed that the British rule in the colonies was extremely unfair, but these intellectual causes are greatly outnumbered by economic causes such as taxes and trade. The economic and social causes for the American Revolution were based off of the imposement of British taxes in the colonies. The colonists found the British taxes to be extremely unfair and uncalled for. The British claimed the taxes being imposed on Americans were being used to pay off the war debt caused by the French and Indian war, when in reality the money was used to pass bills against the colonies. One other reason the Revolution should be considered a social movement was the idea that the revolution itself was a civil war between the radicals who wanted separatio...

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