American History: The Year 1962

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Research paper

America is the greatest country of all time. It has had many important years and each and every one of those years have been eventful. But there lies a question… What is the most important year for America in the Twentieth century? The answer to that question would happen to be the year, 1962.

There are many reasons why 1962 is one of the most important years for America in the twentieth century. The first reason why 1962 is one of the most important is because of the Baker vs. Carr Supreme court case. In the case, Charles Baker (plaintiff) was a resident of Shelby County, Tennessee. He filed a lawsuit against Joe Carr, a Secretary of State for Tennessee. Baker said that the Tennessee legislature had not drawn its legislative districts since 1901. If the statement made by Charles Baker was true, it would be a violation of the Tennessee State Constitution. The Tennessee State Constitution requires redistricting according to the federal census every ten years. Because of this rule, Baker claimed that his vote was in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the fourteenth amendment. Baker sought an injunction prohibiting further elections, and sought out to seek the remedy of reapportionment at large scale elections. The district courts denied this claim because redistricting presented a political question and would ultimately not be heard by the courts. The case had to be put over for re-argument because no clear majority emerged for either side. Almost a year later, the opinion was finally handed down. The court was split 6:2 coming to the ruling that Baker’s case was justiciable. Justice William J Brennan reformulated the political question doctrine, identifying six factors to help in determin...

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...stro accused the Russians of backing down to the Americans and deserting the Cuban revolution. Allies of the U.S. were also irate. They were upset because the Kennedy administration kept them out of the negotiations that might have led to war.

The year 1962 was definitely an eventful one. It contained Supreme Court cases, civil right movements, and almost a nuclear war between two powerhouse countries. If none of these events had happened, America would not quite be the same country that it is today. We wouldn’t be known as the most bad-ass country if these events did not happen. Hell, we even scared away the Big Bad Wolf, A.K.A the Soviet Union. With all of the events that had happened within a single year, proves the point that the year 1962, is amongst the most important years of the twentieth century in the United States of America.

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