American Culture in the 1920's

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During the 1920’s sometimes referred to as the "Jazz Age", America was taking its last final steps from the traditional period to new era of modernization. It was a time in which American popular culture reshaped itself in response to the urban, industrial, consumer- oriented society America was becoming (Brinkley 641). In this reshape two sides stood in defense of their beliefs, the traditionalist who wanted America to stay the same or go back to the way it was. Rebelling against the new customs and morals of the urban middle class, they sought to defend older values. However, the new modernist looked forward to change; embracing the future and its fore coming traditions and ethics. During these time a mass consumer culture submerged, a society in which people could buy items not just because of needs but for pleasure. Middle class families could afford to purchase new appliances like electric refrigerators, washing machines, electric irons and vacuum cleaners which had a dramatic impact on the lives of women. Men smoked cigarettes and women bought cosmetics and fashionable clothing (Brinkley 647). But above all was the automobile, affecting life in countless ways. The automobile was America’s way to venture out farther away from home. It allowed a chance for farmers to get off the farm and travel into the big cities, and for the city folk to get away from the daily pressures of city life. With easier travel people could drive from rural areas to the city to work. Automobiles permitted young adults to get out from under the eyes of their over-protecting parents. The automobile was often a means of a different kind of escape. It allowed them to move easily away from parents and family and to develop social lives of their own (B... ... middle of paper ... ... a northern state when they are in the south and living conditions are bad. They felt that if they are given the opportunity, they would have not messed it up and would have worked the hardest. They had they specific profession but they were wiling to take whatever they could. The second was a thank you letter from a person whom received a job in Philadelphia, telling all their progress and how the job is going and that all was well. Document 2 what we want in American declared warren Harding in 1920 is less government in business and more business in government. Puritan explains why business will lead to the salvation of America. What is the finest game business the soundest science business the trust art business the fullest education? Business the fairest opportunity business the cleanest philanthropy business the sanest religion is business (Breen Document 2).

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