The Affects of the Attributes of Parks on Real Estate Values

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Introduction Initially the question of the affects of parks and their various attributes on real estate value may seem an absurd question for an Economic Developer to think about. However, the value of real estate is of prime importance to the community and the Economic Developer due to the nature of land as an appreciating commodity. Therefore it is necessary that we study the possibility that real estate and land values could be modified by the a park. By understanding the consequences of these uses of land can be an effective strategy for passive Economic Development. Rather than making direct improvements to each parcel we change land uses near real estate clusters to change the values of many properties at once. In order to better understand the impact that a park can have on a community it is necessary to understand the nature of parks, the attributes that contribute to their impact as well as how we might utilize this knowledge to create a strategy for Economic Development. First I will define parks as they pertain to this discussion and specific land uses that qualify for study as a park. Second I will review the available literature on the impact of parks and categorize these studies based on the attributes studied and the area of effect that was established the studies. Following the literature review we will critically discuss the effects and their implications for economic development. I will then conclude by discussing areas for further study and possibly policies for utilizing the park impact in as a means to economic development. The term park can be used to define a variety of spaces in our society. The term park relative to this discussion is defined as a public space containing amenities for public usage ... ... middle of paper ... ... compliance with municipal and federal regulations concerning the SAD such that the legal requirements of providing a benefit are met. Overall the number of options available to an economic developer wanting to utilize the park based strategy for economic development will have a limited number of options in pursuing funding for a park project. Due to our limited understanding of the real impacts of parks beyond a simple good or bad will severely limit the ability of an economic developer to justify such a project. Therefore it is necessary to build adequate support for a park by either educating the public and the municipality of the intended benefits that are possible or the park project must be justified for other reasons not pertaining to increased real estate values. When other reasons are used to justify the project funding options become even more limited.

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