Psychographic Essays

  • Concepts Of Segmentation Essay

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    Marketing Assignment-3- Explain the concepts of segmentation, targeting, and positioning and how they are applied in global marketing? Market segmentation is the process of splitting a market of potential customers into groups, or segments, based on distinct characteristics. It is also based on the premise that companies should attempt to identify customers in different countries who share similar needs and wants. The process of it begins with the choice of one or more variables to use as

  • Wendell Smith: Market Segmentation

    780 Words  | 2 Pages

    variables: demographic, geographic, behavioural and psychographic. Psychographic segmentation divides a large heterogeneous market into smaller homogenous markets based on personality traits, values, lifestyle or social class (Kotler et al., 2013). This method allows companies to tailor their product and marketing mix to the group most likely to buy them (Yankelovich and Meer, 2006). Often in combination with demographic variables, companies can use psychographics to position their brand to have appeal to

  • Market Segmentation In Marketing

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    segment's needs and wants. ( People have different interests, attitudes, and traits. For example, some people really care about the environment, while other people don't. This is noticed by businesses such as the body shop who knew there was a market for products that weren’t tested on animals so the body shop decided to use psychographic segmentation to use their product and advertise to the people

  • Psychographics Of Fashion

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    the demographics and psychographics of consumers in the area in order to operate a successful business. Demographics is defined as, “the statistical data of a population, especially those showing average age, income, education, etc.” ("Demographics | Define Demographics at", 2014, p.1) Psychographics is defined as, “the study and grouping of people according to their attitudes and tastes, especially for market research.” ("Psychographics ' | Define Psychographics ' at"

  • The Asian Market

    1284 Words  | 3 Pages

    Nowadays, emerging markets are becoming more and more attractive for multinational companies. Particularly the Asian market, headed by China, represents an enormous potential. Asians consumers are motivated by a complex range of cultural factors and are becoming more interested in pursuing brands to experience their reputation, to stand out from the crowd or to create new trends of a modern high-class lifestyle in purchasing items of established, mostly western brands. Especially the uprising group

  • Essay On Market Segmentation

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    targeting. If you have a regional product, perhaps your customers are in certain cities or states. Your product may be targeted for businesses, individuals or both. As you brainstorm, you'll start to recognize distinct groups forming. Psychographics Psychographics analyze your customers' values, personality traits, interests, attitudes and opinions. This information helps you build a clearer persona for each of your groups. Is your customer independent or does she long to feel included? What does

  • Difference Between Tourism And Sport Tourism

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    distinction between the two can be defined in terms of hard and soft participation. It starts with how serious travellers engage in their sport of choice. 3. Describe the five areas of market segmentation (geographic, socio-economic, demographic, psychographic and behavioristic). (25 pts) Geographic: This market of segmentation is crucial because it deals with the location of

  • Market Segmentation Of Nescafe

    601 Words  | 2 Pages

    identified as market segmentation. Market segmentation divides broad markets into smaller segment groups such as female, male, adult or children. Market segmentation occurs using factors that fit into four categories such as; geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral. Nescafe a product of Nestle started as far back as the 1930. Brazil had a substantial supply of coffee and needed assistance with preserving. This was the start of the partnership between Brazilian government and Nestle. The name

  • Analysis Of Lululemon

    868 Words  | 2 Pages

    live in metropolitan areas. The “wealthy” market segment is affluent women who live in either urban or suburban areas. As discussed below, these two market segments are defined by differences in demographics, geography as well as behavioral and psychographic characteristics. Despite the differences in the two market segments, demographically there is an important similarity between the two market segments, both market segments focus on young adult females. Demographically,

  • Air New Zealand Case Analysis

    2662 Words  | 6 Pages

    Part B Task 2 Outcome 2 – Apply market segmentation processes 2. Identify and apply the segmentation bases both markets according to the segmentation variables for each of the following: a) Geographic b) Demographic c) Psychographic d) Behavioural usage Segmentation of the markets: Geographic:-. Geographic segmentation play very important role for the company and people as well because Air New Zealand provides an indication according to different geographic regions like states cities

  • The Market Analysis Of Nike's Marketing Strategy

    716 Words  | 2 Pages

    strategy. Markets can be divided depending on a number of wide-ranging criteria. Variables that are commonly used for segmentation are geographic (region, country size, climate etc.), demographic (age, gender, family size, religion, language etc.), psychographic (personality, life style, attitude etc.), behavioral (benefit sought, brand loyalty, decision making unit etc.), and technographic (motivation, usage patterns, standard of living etc.) ones. Successful segmentation requires the following: segments

  • Virginia Beach: Market Segmentation In The Market

    1014 Words  | 3 Pages

    Chapter 3, there are several bases for market segmentation. Because the needs and wants of consumers in various markets differ, there are general indicators that are used to segment markets—geographic demographic, and arguably most importantly, psychographic segmentation. From this, variables like lifestyle, family size and region are used to identify key segments for Virginia Beach. (Spiller, 2012, 88) Virginia Beach concentrates the bulk of its direct marketing efforts on prospective tourists, or

  • Radioshack Situational Analysis Paper

    541 Words  | 2 Pages

    RadioShack is focused on mostly psychographic and demographic. It focuses on these segments of the market because RadioShack sells various election products. Psychographic and demographic are the most useful ways for RadioShack to segment its market for people that shop at RadioShack have to be psychographic and demographic focused on various elections. In market segmentation the psychographic segmentation is divided in to values, interests and the demographic

  • Bud Light Segmentation Analysis

    563 Words  | 2 Pages

    geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioural. The use of these categories either individually or in combination assists companies to identify and establish market segments which is relevant to the product or service they are offering. This in turn helps these organisations to evaluate the relevant segments to choose the pertinent target market. With relation to the Bud Light advertisement, the segmentation variables that are at play are geographic, demographic and psychographic. With the use of

  • Demographic Analysis Paper

    644 Words  | 2 Pages

    A compelling topic in this class that really interest me was the importance of demographics in marketing. The segmentation of different populations is the process that organization utilizes to market their products and services. Populations can be identified through the specific characteristics of demographics. These statistical components allow an organization to effectively target consumers. Demographics are the foundation of developing a marketing plan. Demographics allow an organization to gain

  • The Importance Of Marketing Segmentation

    1047 Words  | 3 Pages

    similarly they will respond to different marketing strategies. Target markets can be grouped in various ways, for example they could be separated based on demographic variables (Age, Gender, Ethnicity), geographic variables (Country, Region, City), psychographic variables (Personality, Lifestyle,

  • Analysis of Express

    997 Words  | 2 Pages

    Target Market of Channel 1) Demographic is the statistics of the human population using variables such as age, income, education, religion ethnicity ECT. 2) Psychographic is the study of lifestyles, social class, and personality characteristics. 3) When I visited my channel target, Express, I saw women in their late twenties of different ethnicities dominating the store at the sale rakes with few men in sight. The men that where there where with a significant other. Customers where mostly browsing

  • Analysis Of The Market Segmentation Of Nova

    1044 Words  | 3 Pages

    MARKET SEGMENTATION Market segmentation is marketing strategy that use by the company that we choose is Nova. Nova involves in dividing the broad target market into subsets of consumer. The consumers that have needs and priority, Nova can implement the market segmentation to them. Nova use the market segmentation is to identify the target customer. In addition, Nova use provides supporting data for positioning to achieve the marketing plan objective. SEGMENTING DIMENSION Demographic The first segmentation

  • Marketing Evaluation Of Restaurant Brands

    1426 Words  | 3 Pages

    Restaurant Brands NZ Ltd Introduction Purpose: The main purpose of report is to evaluate marketing synthesis on Restaurant brands that operates food chain throughout the world. Business Context: “Restaurant Brands New Zealand Limited operates the New Zealand outlets of KFC, Pizza Hut and Starbucks Coffee and has recently acquired the rights to Carl 's Jr. These food brands - some of the world 's most famous - are distinguished not only for their product but also for the look, style and ambience

  • The Impact Of The Apple Watch

    1531 Words  | 4 Pages

    Performance Apple launched the Watch in Los Angeles, London, Tokyo, Milan, and Berlin, with pre-orders reaching 7 million before the launch date (Harding, 2015). Since Apple designed the Watch to reach multiple market segments, the market reach as seen in the pre-order numbers before the product launch is extensive. The introduction of the EDITION model has allowed Apple to extend into the luxury watch market, likely increasing its performance and widening the gap between itself and other companies