Monterey Bay Aquarium Essays

  • Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch

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    which ones you should avoid” (Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation 2018). Even though this program focuses on the general safety, fishery management practices, and sources regarding which seafood is sustainable, they also keep track of potential chemical poisoning of seafood (such as mercury, lead, and other chemical levels). This allows the public to become aware of HAB effects and other causes of toxicity within different seasons of harvesting. The Monterey Bay Aquarium also performs conservation measures

  • Raising Fish in Fish Farms

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    Fish is a great source of protein and provides people their basic dietary needs on a daily basis. According to the Huffington Post, 1 billion people around the world rely on fish as their man source of protein. But this also comes at a cost. “Due to overfishing, over 70% of the world's fish are either fully exploited or depleted.” Luckily, fish farms have stepped up and have become a major part of how we obtain fish in our diets. They take very little space, they can be controlled, and they provide

  • John Steinbeck's Cannery Row - Living Heaven on Earth

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    precedence. Steinbeck creates a colorful array of characters struggling to understand their own unique places in the world. The story is set in the early 20th century, immediately following the Depression and World War II. The characters live in Monterey, California amid the jumble of the sardine fisheries, the "Palace Flophouses", Lee Chong's grocery, Dora's whorehouse, and Doc's Biological Lab. Throughout the book, Steinbeck has the uncanny ability to combine his characters' everyday problems with

  • John Steinbeck Fight

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    John Steinbeck was born in Salinas, and lived the early part of his life in Monterey County, California. It was here that Steinbeck developed a knowledge and love of the natural world and the diverse cultures that figure so prominently in his works. The setting is described in the first paragraph. It talks about where the Torres

  • Dolphin Essay

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    they don't need to migrate for warmth because they live in warm water. Bottlenose dolphins are not endangered but can become endangered. T... ... middle of paper ... ...ey are shaped with no drag and can cut through the water very fast (Monterey Bay Aquarium). Bottle nose dolphins can dive down to 150 feet to get their food but it really depends on where they live and in what ocean. When a dolphin dives their heart and brain get supplied with oxygen and blood more than the tissue or any other part

  • Dwarf Seahorse Essay

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    with a speed of five feet per hour (Guinness World Records). It spends most of its time using its tail to cling to seagrass and catch tiny plankton. They are found mostly found in the Florida Keys, Bahamas, Bermuda, and the Gulf of Mexico (Monterey Bay Aquarium). The female generally has reproductive maturity at 118 days. Dwarf seahorses get to know each other before they mate. They will dance for many mornings before hooking up tails and mating. When mating they would move up to the water column

  • Save the World: Save the Sea Otters

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    Save the World: Save the sea otters During the 18th and 19th centuries, sea otters were hunted for their luxurious pelts, and by the early 1900s, the species was believed to be extinct in California. (Carswell) Why do we care you ask, well not only are they super cute and eat with their hands. Apparently, a healthy population of sea otters keeps the sea urchin population in check. An unhealthy or small population of sea otters allows the sea urchin’s number to explode thus decimating kelp beds

  • The Killer Whales: The Habits Of The Killer Whales

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    The killer whales are mammals. They have two common names the killer whale and the ocra. Killer whales inhabit most of the world’s oceans, going from warm waters to freezing cold waters (Monterey Aquarium). Not all of the killer whales are known because their are so many. Orca’s are very social and travel in pods. The whales usually stay with the same pods of whales as they travel. Ocras usually migrate with their food, and they also have seasonal migrations. (Sea World). The food they eat is

  • Volunteering Personal Statement

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    I have dedicated myself over the past few years to helping out my community as much as possible, while maintaining high G.P.A. I did so, in the hopes that during March of my senior year, I would be getting acceptance letters from my choice schools. Volunteering in an effort to increase my chances turned into volunteering for fun, enjoying the feedback that came with helping my town. My most favorable memories of volunteering comes from working with the California Living Museum. Majority of the time

  • Dumbo Octopus: The Life Of Grimpoteuthis

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    to hold at least 300 octopus’ and the more the better (eg. Big pool, aquarium, etc). Next step is to catch a lot of octopus’ and they are not easy to catch, but the simple solution here is to breed them in captivity. Up next is to set up an aquarium to match the exact habitat of the octopus, and do not forget to feed them small shrimp and crab. Now for the most interesting part, put some sharks or killer whales in the aquarium to force the dumbo octopus to learn how to use the most effective swimming

  • Essay On Sponges

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    Sponges are naturally passive, non-aggressive creatures…for the most part. Around 20 years ago, biologists discovered an odd phenomenon named carnivorous sponges. Since then, there have only been 7 reported species of these deadly sponges found. Researchers in Southern California discovered a strange-looking sponge while studying undersea bacteria. While most species of sponge live as filter feeders, this species of sponge was found to be carnivorous that fed on animals on the ocean floor. Four other

  • My Passion For The Sea

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    The Subsurface There it was. I had never witnessed something so beautiful and natural. The turtles were lined up, one after another, awaiting their turn in the pristine waters of Kauai’s Poipu Coast. I tried not to let my air bubbles disturb this scene I was now a part of. After checking my oxygen levels and depth gage, I found I still had time to see this spectacle. Each turtle was patiently waiting to enter its communal home in the cavern’s, which was forged from volcanic tubing. This was a

  • John Ernst Steinbeck

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    February 8, 1983. 1932: The Pastures of Heaven became his first published work set in Monterey County. 1934: His mother died in the Salinas home. John had stayed in the home to take care of her. After this experience, Steinbeck wrote to a friend, "The house in Salinas is pretty haunted now. I see things walking at night that it is not good to see." Steinbeck wrote to 1934: A short story set in Monterey County, The Murder, won an O. Henry Prize. 1935: His father died. This was the first

  • Animal Agriculture Essay

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    current trends of fishing continue (Mason). According to the Monterey Bay Seafood Watch, hundreds of thousands of animals die every year as bycatch, with one of the worst offenders being shrimp fisheries, catching up to six pounds of bycatch per pound of shrimp. Endangered species are also caught, including predators which are important in keeping the balance in ocean ecosystems (Smith). While many organizations such as the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch recommend consumers to eat more “sustainable”

  • Safety And Environmental Effects Aquaculture Systems Have On Native Species

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    susceptible to diseases and parasites (Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation, n.dd). According to a 2003 study, offspring of fish with DNA from wild and farmed parents had a 27%-88% lower chance of survival compared to strictly wild individuals (Naylor, Hindar, Fleming, 2005). Escaped fish can also threaten native populations by introducing new diseases and parasites into wild species, as these ailments are common throughout aquaculture systems. Fishermen in the New Brunswick Bay in Canada report massive losses

  • The Humpback Whale

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    The Humpback Whale, Megaptera novaeangliae, is part of the marine mammals group. They are found in oceans all over the world, they live in open waters. Even though they are mammals, they do not live on land (Monterey Bay Aquarium). Humpback whales are known for their magical song that can travel great distances. These gentle giants are omnivores, their main diet is krill. They are mostly found near coastlines feeding on tiny shrimp-like krill, plankton and small fish. Humpbacks migrate annually from

  • Ola Mool The Ocean Sunfish Or Mola Mola

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    The Ocean Sunfish or Mola mola is an interesting species. Female sunfish usually lay somewhere around 300,000,000 eggs at a time, which is more eggs than any living vertebrate, though only a few of those eggs ever hatch. A sunfish fry resembles a tiny pufferfish because of its small spines it has around it, which later disappear in adulthood. Sunfish colours vary from a light-ish brown to bright silver. There may be certain patterns on the skin, however this is pretty rare. Sunfish diet consists

  • What Causes the Algae called Pseudo-nitzschialgal to Blooms and How We Can Prevent Them?

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    Angeles Times, altered oceans: sentinels under attack. July 31, 2006. By Kenneth R. Weiss “Pseudo-nitzschia” by Thessen, Anne Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “harmful algal blooms” 24 July 2012. Monterey bay aquarium research institute: “Pseudo-nitzschia Toxins” by Jennifer Shin, 1999. Department of Primary Industries “What Causes Algal Blooms?” 24 September 2009

  • Zombie Worm Research Paper

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    zombie worm, and yeti crab all live in completely different parts of the ocean. For example, the zombie worms were first discovered by accident, on the ocean floor off the coast of California. They were discovered in 2002 by scientists at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. The giant

  • Essay On Tiger Shark

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    lucidum allows light-sensin... ... middle of paper ... ...bony fishes, small sharks, rays, crabs, lobsters, small dolphins, turtles, and squids. They feed cooperatively with other sand tiger sharks, surrounding and herding schooling prey (Monterey Bay Aquarium). All tiger sharks generally swim slowly, which, combined with cryptic coloration, may make them difficult for prey to detect them in some habitats. They are especially well camouflaged against dark backgrounds. Tiger sharks are very vicious