Miep Gies Essays

  • Holocaust Rescuers - Miep Gies

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    rescuers, and the defenders of these persecuted people. One such person was Miep Gies. Miep Gies was born on February 15, 1909 in Vienna, Austria as Hermine Santruschitz. She was a weak child, and with food shortages and a growing family, she became malnourished and unhealthy. Luckily, in the 1920s, a program was set up to give Austrian children foster homes in the Netherlands while their home country tried to get back on its feet. Miep was chosen to be given a foster home with Laurens Nieuwenburg and his

  • A Summary Of Anne Frank Remembered By Miep Gies

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    Miep Gies wrote Anne Frank Remembered to honor the memory of the Frank family, to show what happened to Jews during World War II, and what she did to hide the Frank family. Gies was asked to write about her experience in the war, but Miep also wanted to consider how Anne Frank played such an enormous role in Miep’s life; Gies wanted to add the impact of how Anne’s diary affected people into her book. The book is the first-hand account of the persecution of Jews. Miep was born in Vienna, Austria,

  • Sparking the Change: Miep Gies

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    change the life of someone forever. Miep Gies, a woman who once went unknown to the world, once said, “But even an ordinary secretary or a housewife or a teenager can, within their own small ways, turn on a small light in a dark room.” (Goodreads 1). The woman who went unheard of by the world around her, turned on this light during the dark experiences of World War II. From being a small business secretary to saving the lives of people around her, Miep Gies made a name for herself, and that name

  • Miep Gies: Film Analysis

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    In the movie, Freedom Writers, the students of room 203 raised money for Miep Gies, the woman who helped hide Anne Frank, to come and speak at their school. When she arrived, the students were in awe of her bravery and courage, one even claimed she was a hero, however, she rebutted and said, “‘You are heroes every day’”. She was trying to convey to the students that her actions, while monumental now, were simply her doing the right thing. Whereas everyday Ms. Gruwell's students were fighting in an

  • Bystanders In The Film 'Dear Kitty'

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    The documentary, “Dear Kitty” revolves around Miep Gies, and her recollection of helping Anne Frank and her family go into hiding. Miep, was a dutch citizen who was hired by Anne’s father, Otto Frank. In the summer of 1942, Mr. Frank had initially hired Miep to be the secretary of the business he managed, but with the Nazis ceasing all the Jews from Holland, he would soon need her help with hiding his family. Miep, along with the other four staff members, agreed to help. The Frank family hid in an

  • What Is The Difference Between Franks And Van Daans

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    While living in the secret annex, the Franks and the van Daans faced many strict rules to ensure their safety. The annex residents imposed the rules of no talking during the day, no walking during the daytime, and no outdoor activities or exit outside of their hiding area. The rule of no talking and no walking around during the daytime was put in place so the members of the annex would not be discovered. During the day, the office building had workers inside until 5:30 which made life in the annex

  • Otto Frank: The Holocaust Survivor

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    Throughout the holocaust, many Jews survived by going into hiding to escape the harsh fates and realities that would otherwise await the opressed. The Diary of a Young Girl allows readers to witness and experience a small idea of what Jews in hiding during the holocaust suffered. Some may have lost one's life, but Otto Frank, Anne's Frank's father, survived the holocaust through hiding. The secret annex became the shelter for Otto Frank, his family, and several others Jews starting July sixth, 1942(www

  • The Betrayal Of Anne Frank Essay

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    American School of The Hague The Betrayal of Anne Frank: The Overview “. . . but anything is better than being discovered” Anne Frank, ???, 19?? Max Durling Grade 8 English Language Arts, F Block Ms. Robin Christopher 13 May 2014 Max Durling Grade 8 English Language Arts, F Block Ms. Robin Christopher 13 May 2014 The Betrayal of Anne Frank: The Overview There are many stories, diaries and books from the time of The Holocaust but arguably the most famous of them all is the story of

  • Anne Frank Remembered: Review

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    Remembered is the autobiography of Miep Gies, the woman who helped the Frank family survive during their two years in hiding. Her book is a primary source or first hand account of the persecution of Jewish people in Nazi occupied Holland during the second world war. It is also the first hand account of the hiding of Jews such as the Frank family, the Van Daan family, and Dr. Albert Dussel during this time. In regard to the book's autobiographical format, the author, Miep Gies, does not present the reader

  • Good at Heart

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    He started concentration camps where Jews would be taken to live in horrible conditions if they were not killed by the Nazis first. To avoid being taken to a concentration camp, Anne and her family went into hiding with the help of people such as Miep Gies. While in hiding, Anne wrote in her diary. One quote from her diary is, “Despite everything, I believe people are really good at heart”. I know that people don’t always do the right things, but I agree that deep down, everyone is good. I agree with

  • The Play of the Diary of Anne Frank

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    Frank starts out in the annex in the warehouse in Amsterdam, Holland where Anne Frank and seven others hid out during World War II. It opens with Otto Frank and Miep Gies standing in the annex alone in 1945. Mr. Frank had just come home from the concentration camps, being the one survivor from the annex. After conversing for awhile, Miep hands Mr. Frank Anne’s diary from the days of living in the annex. He starts to read the book, as it slowly flashes back to 1942 when it all began… On an early

  • Anne Frank Biography And The Short Story Line

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    Annelies Marie Frank (the full name of Anne Frank) was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Her parents were Otto and Edith Frank. Anne was the second daughter; her sister Margot was three years older. Anne’s father worked at his family’s bank. Her mother's job was to take care of everything at home. Margot and Anne were carefree girls and they had many friends in their neighborhood. However, their parents were worried. Adolf Hitler and his party had made the Jews the scapegoat

  • The Influence of Meip Geis

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    the Nazis, in addition she has contributed greatly to preserving one of the most widely recognized recollection of the Holocaust. Works Cited McCune, Pat; Schreiber, Penny; Lowenstein, Joan. “Meip Geis” 31. March.2011. “Meip Gies, Her Own Story.” 31.Mar.2011 “Meip Geis.” 5.Apr.2011.

  • The Life Of Anne Frank

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    hiding--her parents, her sister, the van Pels family (called the van Daan family by Anne), and Fritz Pfeffer (called Alfred Dussel by Anne), as well as the war going on around her, and her hopes for the future. When she filled up her original diary, Miep Gies and Bep Voskuijl, two of the family's helpers,brought her ledgers and loose sheets of paper to continue

  • Diary Of Anne Frank

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    soon joined the group. He was only supposed to be up in the attic for a short time, but he ended up staying till the end. He had to leave his Dentistry to hide out from the Germans. These people would not of lasted too long without the help of Miep Gies and Mr. Kraler who gave them the necessities they needed to survive up in the attic for so long. All these people gave their own personality and views to add new dimensions to the play and make it more enjoyable.

  • Analysis Of The Last Seven Months Of Anne Frank

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    History was made on January 30, 1933 when an appalling and repulsive act took place. Annelies Marie Frank was just a young girl when the holocaust began. Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929. She is from Frankfort Germany where she spoke Dutch, attended a Montessori school, and lived with her parents and only sibling. She also had a tremendous talent of writing at just the young age of 13. The holocaust was an event set up and held by a man named Adolf Hitler. He and his men killed anyone who wasn’t

  • Analysis of Freedom Writers

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    Freedom Writers- Theme Essay: The film Freedom Writers directed by Richard La Gravenese is an American film based on the story of a dedicated and idealistic teacher named Erin Gruwell, who inspires and teaches her class of belligerent students that there is hope for a life outside gang violence and death. Through unconventional teaching methods and devotion, Erin eventually teaches her pupils to appreciate and desire a proper education. The film itself inquiries into several concepts regarding significant

  • Describe The Living Conditions In The Life Of Anne Frank

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    During the time that Hitler was ruling Germany, the jews went through a dark and harsh time. Anne Frank was a 13 year old girl, who was Jewish, that had to go into hiding because of the tragedy. Anne Frank and her fellow family and friends had to hide in captivity for two years. From August of 1942 to September of 1945, Hitler started a war against every jews. During this war, something called the holocaust occurred. This event is something that will always be remembered. Mr. Frank, Pim, picked a

  • The Legacy Of Anne Frank And The Holocaust

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    Anne Frank By: Alexis Bahr Almost everyone has heard the legacy about this young, teenage World War II icon. Her story, her family, her personal life, and almost everything in her life; the reason for this was her diary. Her diary was published by her father, Otto Frank. Although some parts edited out, this diary had become well known as a hopeful yet horrifying time for the Jews. The way Anne Frank wrote about her life made all the horrors of the Holocaust real. She was about 13-years-old when

  • Review of The Diary of Anne Frank

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    on August 4, 1944. Two secretaries who worked in the building found the books containing Anne’s diary entries strewed over the floor of the annex. The secretaries handed over the diaries to Miep Gies, an assistant in Otto’s office. Miep held the diary, unread, in a desk drawer. When the war ended in 1945, Miep delivered the diary to Otto Frank, who had survived the horrors of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Anne died of typhus at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in February or March of 1945