Mammal Essays

  • Mammal Essay

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    Classification Of Mammals What are Mammals? Mammals are vertebrates (backboned flora and fauna) that feed their young on mother's exploit. There are approximately 4,260 species of mammals. When we think of an creature it is likely to be a mammal. People are mammals. Cats and dogs are mammals. So are such ranch animals as cattle, goats, hogs, and horses. Mammals also include such captivating animals as porcupines, gorillas, giraffes, rhinoceroses and kangaroos. Mammals are found to be present all

  • Transport In Mammals Essay

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    Transport in Mammals A recurring theme in biological systems is the surface area to volume ratio. All cells require nutrients and most require oxygen as well. Wastes also need to be removed. With a small organism this demand can be met by simple diffusion over the body surface but larger or very active organisms need a transport system with a pump to ensure that the supply meets the demand of all cells, even those deep within the body. In mammals, the pump is

  • Marine Mammals Essay

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    are mammals like monkeys living on land and whales living in sea. Whales are not the only mammals living in the sea, there are dolphins, walruses, seals etc. Though above mentioned beings don’t fall under a single biological group, they are categorized as marine mammals due to their dependence on the sea for existence. Whales and dolphins completely depend on the sea for feeding and breeding whereas seals and walruses feed in the sea and breed on the land. The distribution of the marine mammal species

  • Adaptations of Mammals to Arid Australian Environments

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    Adaptations of Mammals to Arid Australian Environments Abstract High temperatures and low rainfall characterize much of Australia. It is hard to believe that animals can survive in arid conditions, much less prosper. Yet there is a whole range of mammals, among other life forms, that do. These animals survive because they have adaptations that allow them to live in the hot, dry conditions. The function of the adaptations is to balance thermoregulation with water gain and loss. For instance

  • Animal Rights for Marine Mammals

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    Animal Rights for Marine Mammals Written By: Bottlenose dolphins became part of a United States Navy program in 1959 for the purpose of conducting scientific research into their sonar and hydrodynamics in hopes of getting design ideas for submarines, ship hulls and weapons. It was discovered dolphins hear and navigate in the water by using their natural sonar, which happened to be more precise than most fabricated sonar systems. In the mid-sixties, Navy dolphins were used as mail carriers to underwater

  • Ecology: Using Tracks and Signs to Determine Presence of Mammal Species

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    Writing a short article (maximum 1000 words) on the problems and complexities of using tracks and signs to determine presence (and absence) of mammal species (25%) In the field of ecology finding and identifying tracks and signs has always been one of the hardest job in that field. This is because a range of different problems can and most likely will occur. There are several ways to find animal tracking and signs. When looking for a particular species research will need to be conducted to know

  • Sea Lions: Nature's Playful Aquatic Land Mammals

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    Playful Aquatic Land Mammals Introduction Sea lions may look like sea creatures, but they also behave like terrestrial animals. Unlike whales, mammals that spend their entire lives in water, sea lions inhabit both the water and land throughout their lives. This aquatic land animal prefers the water for food, fun, and safety; while preferring the land for socializing, territory, and procreation. Being mammals, they share many behaviors common to humans and other mammals. Like mammals, they are born

  • Mammal Abundances

    512 Words  | 2 Pages

    The first hypothesis proposed that “mammal abundances are negatively correlated with levels of radioactive contamination at Chernobyl” (Deryabina et al., 2015). To test this hypothesis, the researchers conducted censuses of the large mammal populations by observing tracks in fresh snow along walking routes. The track surveys were conducted shortly after snowfall on a single day in February with only fresh tracks counted, counting the number of tracks of each species on each route with a total distance

  • Marine Mammals in Captivity

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    Imagine a warm day in February, a day that you have been waiting for forever, to see a majestic sea mammal, an orca (commonly known as a killer whale). The show was called “Dine with Shamu”, the orcas were doing amazing tricks and splashing the kids in the front row. After the show was finished, you make your way under the stadium to get a picture with the star of the show, Tilikum. As you wait for him to show himself, a siren goes off and sends everyone into a panic. You look at the crystal clear

  • The Extinction of Pleistocene Mammals

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    During the late Pleistocene, a mystery occurred in which large mammals went extinct in North America while they survived in other parts of the world. Scientists studying the late Pleistocene extinction provided a plethora of explanations, including overkill by humans, extraterrestrial events, and climate changes (Faith and Surovell, 2009). However, there was no unified explanation that they all agreed upon. Taking note of this, J. Tyler Faith and Todd A. Surovell conducted tests to discover whether

  • Chemical Communication in Mammals

    1324 Words  | 3 Pages

    Chemical Communication in Mammals Chemical Communication in Mammals In mammals they use a few types of communication and one of them is called Chemical Communication also known as Pheromones. These chemical messengers square measure transported outside of the body and have an effect on neurocircuits, as well as the autonomous system with secretion or protein mediate physiological changes, inflammatory sign, system modifications and/or behavioral change within the recipient. There are physical

  • Inspiration In Mammals Essay

    528 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mammals Mammals are vertebrates and, unlike other animals, have 3 middle ear bones (the malleus, incus and stapes), have body hair and provide their young with the milk that females produce in mammary glands, which are modified sweat glands. They are endothermic and produce their body heat internally. Most species of mammals give birth to their living young while some, like the platypus, lay leathery, shelled eggs. Breathing gives us a continual supply of air to our lungs. Quiet breathing uses

  • Echinoderms

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    Exam 2 Colette Cabaniss Student K00479544 ( login:fireant Question 1 Echinoderms are captivating organisms. They have a number of specialized structures and functions. They have unique water vascular systems, aboral surfaces, and feeding structures. This sets them apart from other animals because of their distinct characteristics. The water vascular system of echinoderms is a hydraulic system that they use for respiration, getting rid of waste, and a way of movement

  • Types of Animals on Earth

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    categories, namely mammals, reptiles and amphibians, where each category is further divided into their respective orders (refer to Figure 1 in Appendix 1). The first major type of animal is mammal. There are more than 4,000 different species of mammals. The smallest is the hog-nosed bat, which weighs 0.05 ounces. The largest is the blue whale, which can be 100 feet long and weigh 150 tons. But whether they live on land or water, all mammals share some common characteristics. All mammals are vertebrates

  • Essay On Mammal Circulatory System

    535 Words  | 2 Pages

    the alveoli. Mammals have a circulatory system as their gas exchange system. It operates by the oxygen that is diffused being delivered to respiring body cells and returning with carbon dioxide to the lungs due to the blood vessels lining the alveoli transporting these gases. As diffusion would take much longer to reach the cells in a much larger organism, the blood flow through the capillaries guarantees that the oxygen reaches the distant cells more efficiently. This is why mammals require a transport

  • Analysis Of Pbs's Documentary Great Transformations

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    Great Transformations, the transformation from the first living organism to what we are today was discussed and how most organisms have very similar genes and characteristics. How fish used to colonize land and land mammals evolved to sea creatures. For instance, the whale, the biggest mammal that lives in the water, was found to have had legs and used to dwell on land millions of years ago. While in Pakistan, Phil Gingrich, a geologist and paleontologist, came across a fossil that resembled that of

  • Blue Whales Research Paper

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    giant blue whale hanging up at the Natural History Museum in New York City was, “Why are whales so huge?!” Years and years later, I have found the answer. Using the research paper entitled “Energetic Tradeoffs Control the Size Distribution of Aquatic Mammals,” published last month by leading scientist, professor William Gearty, as well as news article based off of his discoveries, the solution to my childhood puzzlement has been revealed. The biggest species to ever live on the planet is Balaenoptera

  • Informative Speech On Animal Research

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    When God created mammals their primary purpose was to be a helper for man but after the fall of man their purpose changed a little they became a food source, their skin was used for clothing and other goods, they have been for centuries used as a source of power, they are used in medical research for testing drugs, manufacturing vaccines, and studying diseases that affect humans. One of the biggest purposes for mammals today is companionship/pets a couple of the main pets today are cats, dogs, rabbits

  • Animal Adaptation Essay

    864 Words  | 2 Pages

    habitat that affects the animal which includes water, land, air and other living things. Animals have developed adaptations over time. Animals’ adaptation matches with the way they are living. Different groups of animals such as fish, reptiles, birds, mammals and amphibians have their own general adaptation mechanisms. Skin covering is a good example of animal adaptation. The skin covering for various animals have evolved over time. The paper discusses the various forms of the skin and their associated

  • Characteristics Of Killer Whales

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    Free the Whales ​Orcas, or killer whales, are one of the world’s most powerful predators. Killer whales are mammals that can live up to fifty to eighty years in the wild. They can grow up to thirty two feet weighing close to six tons. Killer whales hunt in deadly pods that may have up to forty individuals. Each pod is unique and does not have the same techniques and characteristics as every other pod. These whales have a variety of communication sounds that are specific to their pod. Killer whales