Figure It Out Essays

  • Creative Writing: The Cellar

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    She had to get out of there as soon as possible. She had avoided the main roads, but still she had not a clue of knowing where she is going. She kept on driving trying to figure out where to go and who to trust. She had a couple of options, she could go to a hospital for her hand or she could go to the police and have them figure it out before it gets worse. She realized that she still had the man's phone and can use a GPS. She decided to go to the police to get this figured out before anything

  • Mystery In Looking For Alaska, By John Green

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    which will bring Miles closer to finally finding out what his “Great Perhaps” is. Green’s “Looking For Alaska” reveals that we accept what the answer is in the end when we wonder about something but cannot figure it out. John Green implements mystery in many ways, especially in the three main characters: Alaska, Pudge, and the

  • Plainsong Analysis

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    things going on at school, etc. One could assume that she knew that they didn’t exactly have it easy, so she did as much as she could to take these boys under her wing, treating them as her own children (or grandchildren). Iva acted as a motherly figure for the boys, talking to them about school issues, talking about life events, and even teaches them how to make cookies at one

  • A Thousand Splendid Suns Chapter 1 Analysis

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    suns it can mean plenty of beauty and splendor in life. The book says, “Mariam is never very far…mostly, Mariam is in Laila's own heart, where she shines with the bursting radiance of a thousand suns” (Hosseini 404). Chapter 12 also says, “How to figure it out? Symbols are built on associations readers have, but also on emotional reactions. Pay attention to how you feel about the text” (Nelson). “A Thousand Splendid Suns” states, “Mariam is never very far. She is here, in these walls, they've repainted

  • Cake

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    When I was 10 years old, I used to live in a small town in Mexico where everyone knew each other. Particularly my grandmother, who was a well-known florist and a flamboyant woman. One day at the shop, the governor’s daughter Camila came in looking for her. She was getting married and wanted this beautiful cake for her wedding party. Camila showed my grandmother a picture of it. Actually, it was a page torn off from a European magazine. One could barely tell it was a cake; every inch of it was covered

  • Narrative Essay On Gymnastics

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    Prologue When I did gymnastics I felt empowered. When I did gymnastics I felt happy. When I did gymnastics I felt alive. I started gymnastics when I was about six years old, all the way until I was twelve. Unfortunately I had to stop abruptly, due to an injury in the growth plates in my wrists. I write this not in memory or in loss of the dedication I had for gymnastics, but as a celebration of all the things I learned and accomplished, both physically and mentally throughout this process. Note

  • Narrative Essay On The Day That The Sun Met The Moon

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    moon, was the day that I gave into the night. That morning I woke up to the familiar sound of the birds chirping and my mom cooking in the kitchen. The sun leaking through my window made me squint as I slowly come to. I pathetically dragged myself out of bed, yawning as I stood up. Immediately I noticed that I was drenched in sweat. I had sweat so much during the night that my oversized shirt was stuck to my body like glue. I peeled it off and jumped in the shower. Lately, there was only one option

  • Pink Worm Monologue

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    just as the earthworm does, that would all go to waste. And I would be left lost, irreparably broken by regret at the lifetime I wasted. It’s this fear that makes me weak and sucks out the will to go forward. I don’t know how close my dreams are. They could be dancing just out of reach like fireflies dashing just out of an innocent child’s fingertips teasing with a challenge. Will I chase after them this

  • Tale Of The Seven Chair

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    proved that wrong. They said they’ve been researching the tale for several years. When the person gets off of the chair, the chair moves to a random location. “So you don’t know where my fellow sisters are?” I asked. “No but with your help we can figure it out, so what do you say, explore the world with us, have a great adventure, and find your lost sisters?” “Of course, let’s go find my

  • My Personal Strategic Plan For Students

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    While training John how to prepare applications, I noticed that he did not want to follow my directions. Instead, he wanted to figure it out on his own and learn from his mistakes. As our guest speaker, Kevin O’Connor would say “Hire for character and train for skills.” So, the question is, what if they are not who they say they are when we interview them and they are not trainable when we hire them? As much as I tried to help him, he would brush me off. This effected my work and the organization

  • My Mentor Essay

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    You will figure it out soon.” After a while I caught on to what it meant. She was referring to the time I thought I was Tough. I remember not showing any type emotion or weakness at that time. Another one she said to me was “Treat others with respect if you want to be treated with respect.” She said that because I was always being mean to my siblings. I thought I could do that because I was the oldest out of all of them. I thought that they had to do everything

  • Never Again - Original Writing

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    Never Again - Original Writing Being a loner is not easy. But it's what my work requires. I worked for MOSSAD - yes the MOSSAD. As a contract killer. I never wanted to be one. I know it is morally wrong but I have to do it. More than I want to, I need to do it for money. It is my livelihood. Don't get me wrong on this. You have your duty, your work, your life, and likewise I have mine. You might ask me how do I have the heart to kill another human but think rationally, don't we all have

  • The Things They Carried by Tim O´brien

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    the lives of the soldiers and the main narrator. Martha, even though she is only ever mentioned in the beginning of the book, still plays a huge role in the lives of the soldiers. In some ways, she is a large part of how the platoon’s lives played out, even a part of why one man died. Lt. Jimmy Cross is extremely affected by Martha as his one time girlfriend; he is obsessed with even the thought of her.-- So obsessed with her, he even becomes distracted to the point an accident occurs for which he

  • Unveiling the Power Play: A Dramatic Encounter

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    Scene 1 Sydney: This script has everything! Exceptional dialogue! Intricate plotlines! Dynamic characters! It´s sure to be a hit! Myra: Well that's fantastic dear! Sydney: The problem is it's not mine! A student of mine sent this to me to read over. Myra : That's too bad dear, we could really use some off that play money right about now. You could always ask to be a part of his play in some way, if you’re sure it will be a hit. Sydney: (reluctantly) Sure, sure (Jokingly) or...what if I just

  • Importance Of Pump Dispenser

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    difficult to control the amount of liquid pouring out of the mouth. This method was messy and resulted in the wastage of a lot of liquid soap. The pump dispenser uses a pumping mechanism to control the amount of soap coming out of the bottle. The pump is fastened on to the mouth of the bottle by means of a screw cap (Figure 1-1). The bottle is filled with liquid soap (Figure 1-2). The pump itself is made up of a long tube called the dip tube (Figure 1-3). The bottom end of the dip tube is immersed

  • Four Figures Of Hamlet In Stephen Greenblatt's Hamlet

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    his father (which is the king) in a tragic death in soon finds out that his father wasn 't killed by natural death he was murdered by his uncle which is his stepfather now. Stephen Greenblatt describes the story in 4 figures: figure of full summarize, figure of history nightmares, deep psychic disturbance, and figure theatre. In the following passage we will find out about these 4 figures and how they shape the story. For example figure of appearance tells us how hamlet talk to himself and if he knows

  • Essay On Figure Skating

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    Although figure Figure skaters experience just as much pressure as traditionally masculine sports possibly even more as mistakes at best can hurt a score and at worse can be humiliating. Although figure skating is hard on the mind and body men who figure skate are belittled because femininity is associated with weakness. There are a couple key differences between stereotypically manly sports and figure skating that cause people to perceive figure skating as something only should do . Figure skating

  • Analysis Of Paul Weber's 'The Rumour'

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    contemporary life. Paul Weber’s “the Rumour"(figure.3.115) shows a snake wrecking its way through a building. As in Aesop's Fables, Weber also used animals illustrated disturbing human characteristics. The snake signifying falsity has large pointed ears of an eavesdropper. The devastating effects of rumour are shown. The rumour spreads like wildfire was shown in the cartoon ‘Die latrinenparole lauft…’ (figure3.119) from Germany. It shows how a "latrine rumour" passed onto one person at 2 p.m

  • Identity In Tris And Four

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    had a lot to do with the movie. Tris and Four both had trouble finding out their identities and who they were. Both of them were trying to figure out where they fit in and where they belong, which is hard to do. It took her a long time to figure out where she fit in. She was in between divergent and dauntless, but in the end she was found as divergent when she was dauntless most of the movie. Four is basically trying to figure out the same thing she is. And by the end of the movie, she doesn't know

  • Free Narrative Essays: George Zimmerman's Fight

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    will be okay we will have someone check it out “Where are you now?” “I am in my car sitting on Pine Street and 178th.” “Ok, do not leave your car or approach him okay?” “Yes, are you sure I have a gun to defend myself “ “I am sure we will have someone check into it, have a nice day Mr. Zimmerman “ “Ok, thank