Explanation Essays

  • Habits and Explanation

    3168 Words  | 7 Pages

    Habits and Explanation Habits form a crucial part of the everyday conceptual scheme used to explain normal human activity. However, they have been neglected in debates concerning folk-psychology which have concentrated on propositional attitudes such as beliefs. But propositional attitudes are just one of the many mental states. In this paper, I seek to expand the debate by considering mental states other than propositional attitudes. I conclude that the case for the autonomy and plausibility

  • Explanation of Osmosis and Diffusion

    2303 Words  | 5 Pages

    Explanation of Osmosis and Diffusion “Osmosis is the passage of water from a region of high water concentration through a semi-permeable membrane to a region of low water concentration, which will then become equal.” Diffusion, although at first may seem insignificant in nature, plays quite a major part. The most obvious example would be in cells, plant and animal alike. They have partially permeable membrane in order to let in things like water, and to prevent unwanted big chemicals

  • The Quarrel About Historical Explanation

    621 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Quarrel About Historical Explanation The discussion of the philosophical question of historical explanation is in reality a disagreement concerning the nature of the philosophic method. There are primarily two sides taken in this argument, those who agree with Carl Hempel and those that do not. According to Hempel a historical event is only sufficiently explained when it logically fits a set of confirmed pre-existing conditions along with some universal laws. Certainly all things cannot easily

  • Two Explanations of the Behaviour of Crowds

    1040 Words  | 3 Pages

    Describe & Evaluate Two Explanations of the Behaviour of Crowds When people are alone, their behaviour can be different to when they are part of a crowd, and sometimes this change in behaviour can even lead to violence. When you consider that crowds exist in nearly all walks of life, such as work, sports and general social life, this can become a problem, so why is it that a persons behaviour does in fact change? There have been many studies in conjunction with crowd behaviour and they often fall

  • An Explanation of How the Internet Works

    813 Words  | 2 Pages

    An Explanation of How the Internet Works Have you ever thought how the Internet works? The research found here will help answer that question. The Internet is a complicated system. There are two main protocols that the Internet uses that allow you to transmit and there are certain procedures that allow you to receive information via the Internet. The Internet is very large and many things have to work correctly for information to get to your computer or to get from your computer to someone

  • On Explanation: Aristotelean and Hempelean

    2763 Words  | 6 Pages

    On Explanation: Aristotelean and Hempelean ABSTRACT: Given the great historical distance between scientific explanation as Aristotle and Hempel saw it, I examine and appraise important similarities and differences between the two approaches, especially the inclination to take deduction itself as the very model of scientific knowledge. I argue that we have good reasons to reject this inclination. In his recent studies showing Galileo's knowledge of and adherence to the deductive standards

  • Explanation for Criminality from a Sociological Perspective

    4015 Words  | 9 Pages

    Explanation for Criminality from a Sociological Perspective From a sociological perspective, explanation for criminality is found in two levels which are the subculture and the structural explanations. The sociological explanations emphasize aspects of societal arrangements that are external to the actor and compelling. A sociological explanation is concerned with how the structure of a society, institutional practices or its persisting cultural themes affect the conduct of its members. Individual

  • An Explanation of Haunting Thoughts in Emily Dickinson's Poem 670

    656 Words  | 2 Pages

    An Explanation of Haunting Thoughts in Emily Dickinson's Poem 670 Poem 670 is about the inner workings of your mind. The beginning of this poem addresses everyone. She does that by saying, "One need not be a Chamber....One need not be a House." This is saying whether you are small like a chamber or big like a house you will be haunted in your mind. The phenomenon of haunting thoughts, in your brain, exceed anything externally at that moment. Your mind becomes totally focused on the inner dealings

  • Yin and Yang: the Nature of Scientific Explanation in a Culture

    3153 Words  | 7 Pages

    Yin and Yang: the Nature of Scientific Explanation in a Culture ABSTRACT: I explore the nature of scientific explanation in a culture centering on the doctrine of yin and yang combined with that of five phrases, wu-hsing (YYFP). I note how YYFP functions as an alternative to the causal way of thinking, as well as the meaning of scientific explanation in a culture. I also consider whether a scientific concept becomes metaphorical when it is superseded by an alternative organizing concept. To

  • Alex Nelson’s Poetry Explanation on Wordsworth’s poem Wandered As Lonely As A Cloud

    799 Words  | 2 Pages

    "I gazed-and gazed-but little thought" Alex Nelson’s Poetry Explanation on Wordsworth’s poem "I Wandered As Lonely As A Cloud" Imagine walking through a field in early summer, around an aqua blue lake that is in the shape of a giant egg. You discover a field of daffodils that is flowing in motion like a grand "dance" full of elegance. This area is full of sublime that can only be fully appreciated by a poet. William Wordsworth has been to this place and it was the subject of his poem "I Wandered

  • ADHD and My Family: Searching for a More Scientific Explanation

    1605 Words  | 4 Pages

    ADHD and My Family: Searching for a More Scientific Explanation My father, like many Asian immigrants, left India to pursue his educational goals in America in order to provide a better life for his family. He arrived in the U.S. with fourteen dollars in his coat pocket, a suitcase in his hands, and a will to succeed. For my father, in a place like America where opportunities were plentiful and where hard work actually paid off there was no excuse not to succeed. The practical translation of

  • level of analysis

    735 Words  | 2 Pages

    different theories to find the most accurate set of explanations. It is of similar importance to consider that these explanations can be categorized into three levels. These levels offer a framework for analysis by looking at the international system, states, and individual actors and it is important that we consider all levels of analysis when thinking theoretically about international relations. Each level offers a distinct set of explanations for a phenomenon. Looking at the sum of these makes

  • The Science Of Monsters: The Origins Of The Creatures We Love To Fear By Matt Kaplan

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    mixture of scientific methodology and history to not only discover the origins of many prominent monsters throughout history, but also to offer a scientific explanation behind many historical unexplainable occurrences. Along with offering the reading a scientific explanation for these monsters, author Matt Kaplan also includes in this book an explanation on how many concepts of these prominent creatures and monster would be thought of by human society. In

  • Theories Of Elder Abuse

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    contributes to theory by improving the efficiency and reducing errors (Wacker, 1998). Therefore, theory is improved and it enhances the knowledge in the topic area of interest. Overall, research is conducted built on a theory that provides an explanation of the phenomena (Stam, 2009). In the end, theory and research are closely linked together and without the use of a theoretical framework to build the research from it will be difficult to provide an understanding of the research results regarding

  • The Usefulness of a Holistic Model for Mental Health

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    physical, psychological, emotional, social and spiritual/personal meaning dimensions reveal the factors that may have contributed to her mental distress (The Open University, 2010, p.31-51). The effectiveness of the medical model providing an explanation will be considered and differing frameworks of understanding will be discussed. This essay will consider the opinion of different user groups regarding the usefulness of a holistic model and whether those within a particular group have the same

  • Examples Of The Inductive Argument For Physicalism

    812 Words  | 2 Pages

    inductive argument for physicalism is as follows: (1) If nonphysical explanations have always failed and been replaced by physical explanations that succeeded, then we have good reason to think that nonphysical explanations will always fail, and physical explanations will always succeed. (2) We have good reason to think

  • Revolution Rebellion Resistance Selbin Summary

    628 Words  | 2 Pages

    I decided to do my final assignment in the form of the extended review. I chose the book “Revolution, Rebellion, Resistance: The Power Story” by Eric Selbin, which we covered much later in this semester. Revolution, Rebellion, Resistance: The Power of Story is very different from a lot of the other studies of revolution that came out years before it and also different from the few ones I read in some of my Sociology classes and also history classes. Selbin presents his approach to revolutions different

  • The Schelling Segregation Model

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    deductive-nomological (DN) theory of explanation and Bas C. van Fraassen’s (1980) pragmatic theory of explanation, Schelling only partially explains neighbourhood segregation, because multiple causal factors and background conditions ought to be taken into account. I will first outline how Schelling explains neighbourhood segregation, and then discuss the following aspects to show my conclusion: 1. Schelling’s model in the context of the DN theory of explanation 2. Schelling’s model in the context

  • Actions Speak Louder Than Words

    990 Words  | 2 Pages

    ‘Actions speak louder than words’ is an age old proverb with a deep hidden meaning inside. So, what does the phrase of ‘Actions speak louder than words’ means to the people in today’s society? Do they agree with this phrase? But, for me, in my opinion, I do agree with this phrase. I do believe that actions speak louder than words which can make our life easier. For some people, they think that words are more significant than the actions. Although, the words can express and influence someone expressions

  • Graham Swift's Waterland

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    “here and now”(6). In Waterland Graham Swift not only addresses the problem of the fears his students face in the here and now, and the prospect of a nightmarish future; but, he also gives an unlikely solution in Tom Crick’s theory of history as explanation and personal story. The here and now, as well as the future, is very troubling in the eyes of Price: “Yes, the end of the world is on the cards again- maybe this time it’s for real… It’s the old, old feeling, that everything might amount to nothing”(269)