Bilbo Essays

  • Beowulf and Bilbo

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    from each other. Bilbo and Beowulf are considered heroes in their respective stories but they differ greatly in personality and heroics. The image of an epic hero is that they must be a character who has skills unmatched, surly Beowulf would be the perfect example of this but not Bilbo. Before Beowulf’s story starts he had already established himself in reputation and heroic exploits. His character was already formed and developed which is not the case for Bilbo Baggins. Both Bilbo and Beowulf, however

  • Bilbo In The Hobbit

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    danger or should one follow the path of adventure and help others? All may agree that by, Bilbo, throughout Tolkien’s Hobbit, acted heroically in several instances to help the dwarves in their adventure, but was Bilbo a true hero? A hero must prove himself selfless, aware, and brave. Selflessly giving up his own portion of the treasure to try and buy peace, Bilbo proved himself in this heroic act. Secondly, Bilbo remained aware, and noticed the gaping whole in Smaug’s armor, which was the key to Bard’s

  • How Does Bilbo Change In Bilbo

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    Changes in Bilbo Bilbo has gone through quite a bit of extraordinary changes throughout the book in a result of some pretty bizarre occurrences. In the beginning, Bilbo was the kind of Hobbit who had only found it necessary to step foot outside if it was to buy food or to observe the wildlife. Little did Bilbo know that his fate would soon lead to something more than just being a measly homebody Hobbit who had nothing better to do than to make a spot of tea. Bilbo would soon be put in death-defying

  • Bilbo Mission

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    Angus. Bilbo decided to go with gandalf to undertake a mission, Farah Ahmedi, and Angus. Many people accomplish missions and are amazed or they give up or die. But they all have one common thing, to reach their goals. The Hobbit, Bilbo went with Gandalf. He was brave because he was part Turk. He wanted to find out if their was any Turk still left in him, He realized his strength, he was kind even though they came to his house without asking and tore up his house. Gandalf saw something in Bilbo and

  • Bilbo and Beowulf

    852 Words  | 2 Pages

    said that as much as Bilbo Baggins from Tolkien’s The Hobbit displays acts of heroism, he is still very much different from Beowulf portrayed by Garth Hinds. To begin, we can examine the physical appearances of the two heroes. From the get go, we see Beowulf as a very powerful man. We see emphasise of this through the drawings of the novel. We see how muscular he is and the overall aura. He is relaxed and in control every step of the way. On the other hand, when we look at Bilbo Baggins, the picture

  • Bilbo Greed

    641 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the book The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, Bilbo, a small hobbit, goes on an adventure with a group of dwarves and a wizard. The goal of this adventure is to retrieve the gold that was stolen from them by the dragon Smaug. Throughout the story, there are many themes that show powerful messages, but there is one theme that is clearly the most important and evident in the book. In the novel The Hobbit, greed is shown as the main theme through setting, plot, and the development of characters. The first

  • Characteristics Of Bilbo In The Hobbit

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    feet is named Bilbo Baggins, and he is a hobbit. Bilbo is forced into a crazy adventure when 13 dwarves show up at his hobbit hole for breakfast. Bilbo gains three traits, cleverness, courage, and reliability, which teach him that it is not necessary to be tall and strong to be a hero. Bilbo begins his adventure very reluctant, but by the end of it he is an unexpected hero. Throughout the story Bilbo’s “Tookish” side comes out and he becomes very clever. The first time that Bilbo showed how clever

  • Who Is Bilbo In The Hobbit

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    Bilbo Baggins Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit who lives in a luxurious hobbit hole called Bag End, built by his father for his mother. Bilbo Baggins, like every other Hobbit, is an introvert. But one day, Bilbo gets 14 unexpected visitors, who turn out to be looking for a burglar to help them reclaim their land of the ¨Lonely Mountain¨ north of Rhovanion. According to Harold Bloom, “Bilbo has never really left his immediate environs and knows little of the world beyond the Hill where he lives”(

  • Examples Of Bilbo In The Hobbit

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    Bilbo is faced with many internal conflicts throughout his adventure. He is conflicted with moral decisions and practical ones. One of the main internal conflicts that Bilbo experiences throughout the book is deciding to either go with his Tookish or Baggins side. Sometimes Bilbo acts rashly and does things that get him in trouble and other times he thinks things out and things turn out well. He starts his adventure with a rash decision; however, things would not have turned out so well if he had

  • Bilbo Transformation In The Hobbit

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    the character, Bilbo Baggins. Three times Bilbo has changed from one nature to another is when, he chooses to take part in the adventure to the Misty Mountains, when Bilbo attempted to steal from the trolls, and when he makes the daring decision to escape the goblins cave. Bilbo really exhibited his Took side in chapter one when he made an agreement to go on an adventure to the Misty Mountains. In chapter one a very strange occurrence happened where thirteen dwarves showed up at Bilbo Baggins hobbit

  • The Transformation Of Bilbo In The Hobbit

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    During his transformation, Bilbo began to display his intelligence and resourcefulness in various obstacles and he gradually gained the respect of Thorin and the dwarves. When the dwarves met Bilbo in the beginning of the novel, it is immediately evident that they are incredibly uncertain of Bilbo and highly doubt his burglary skills. "Will he do, do you think? It is all very well for Gandalf to talk about this hobbit being fierce, but one shriek like that in a moment of excitement would be enough

  • Bilbo Baggins Quotes

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    Summer Reading The Hobbit 1) The first character that I chose that in my eyes shows heroic characteristics is the Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo is a hobbit, and hobits are known to live a quiet and safe lifestyle, never stepping out of their comfort zone and never interacting with anything that may cause a threat. All hobbis are content to stay at home. In the text heroic symbols are shown when Bilbo steps up to a group of dwarfs who are known to be more adventurous and ready to discover. He steps up by joining

  • Examples Of Bilbo In The Hobbit

    639 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bilbo Baggins Hero Bilbo Baggins is a hero just like Odysseus and Beowulf. But what exactly defines a hero? A hero is someone who is admired for their achievements or puts themselves in danger to help others. Odysseus came home from his epic journey, Beowulf defeated several monsters, and Bilbo overcomes his fear and saves Thorin’s life. The main theme of The Hobbit is Bilbo developing into a hero. At the start of the story, he was timid. As the story went on, he was becoming braver. At the start

  • Bilbo Baggins Sacrifice

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    their back. Personal sacrifice can be seen with Bilbo Baggins, when he sacrifices his relationships with the dwarves to remain at peace with the Lakemen and wood elves. In addition,

  • Bilbo Book Report

    1337 Words  | 3 Pages

    traditionally live in holes in the ground. Bilbo prefers to stay at home and live a quiet life. The wizard Gandalf invites Bilbo to an adventure, but Bilbo declines and wants nothing to do with the wizard because he has a weird feeling about him. Next day a dwarf name Dawalin shows up at his home. Soon other dwarfs arrive and his home becomes crowded. Atlast Gandalf shows up with another dwarf name Thorin. There is thirteen dwarfs and Gandalf and with Bilbo in the house. They all started discussing

  • Bilbo Sacrifice In The Hobbit

    735 Words  | 2 Pages

    moment in The Hobbit, a fantasy book by J. R. R. Tolkien, is when he gives up the Arkenstone, a precious jewel. He is commended by some for his graciousness of giving away such a treasure, for everyone was rushing to try to get it for themselves. Yet, Bilbo gave the stone to the Elvenking and went against of his friends to attempt to protect lives. This is especially noble since no one else could have achieved this action and been trusted. It revealed supreme generosity from Bilbo.Bilbo feels that it

  • Bilbo Change In The Hobbit

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    In the book The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, she explains how much a character may change throughout a story depending on what they go through. Bilbo was a hobbit who was very adventurous and went on plenty of adventures with his fellow hobbits. None of the adventures he went on before were quite as drastic as the one explained in this story. Hobbits usually aren’t very adventurous, with the exception of one group. This group of hobbits, which they referred to as a “company”, went on plenty of adventures

  • Analysis Of Bilbo In The Hobbit

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    Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit, one who enjoys peace and quiet, feasts and fireplaces, and the coziness of his home. At the beginning the The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, Bilbo could not even imagine going on a tenacious adventure, but by the end he has survived the longest, toughest battle yet. Throughout the novel Bilbo Baggins changes from a prudent, typical hobbit into a courageous, sacrificing adventurer. At the beginning of The Hobbit, Bilbo was sensible and when it came to his actions he was cautious

  • Examples Of Bilbo In The Hobbit

    572 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tolkien uses the character of Bilbo Baggins to reveal to the reader the constant struggle between heroic and anti-heroic qualities within Bilbo and ourselves. Bilbo Baggins, having a diminutive stature but, a heart bigger than than Hobbittown. People may begin to wonder would Bilbo be considered a hero? Being heroic is portraying qualities that are helpful, selfless, and brave. Bilbo possessed these character traits in The Hobbit. Gandalf exclaimed that there is more to Bilbo than meets the eye, I feel

  • Bilbo Transformation In The Hobbit

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    the character, Bilbo Baggins. Three times Bilbo has changed from one nature to another is when, he chooses to take part in the adventure to the Misty Mountains, when Bilbo attempted to steal from the trolls, and when he makes the daring decision to escape the goblins cave. Bilbo really exhibited his Took side in chapter one when he made an agreement to go on an adventure to the Misty Mountains. In chapter one a very strange occurrence happened where thirteen dwarves showed up at Bilbo Baggins hobbit