Will Grayson Essay

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It is commonly assumed that the main character plays a critical role in the protagonist’s character development. Will Grayson, Will Grayson written by John Green and David Levithan defies these assumptions. Will Grayson, one of the protagonists, befriends Gideon, a minor character introduced in the twelfth chapter . Their friendship changes the way Will acts and thinks. Minor characters such as Gideon are significant to the plot of the story because they affect the protagonist’s characterization. Some people may suggest that Gideon may not be responsible for Will’s change in personality. They argue that various events before his personality change allowed him to reflect on his past actions and break his old habits. When his acquaintance, Maura, faked the profile of a close internet friend, it caused emotional distress to Will. As a result of this pain and suffering, he had to resort to new ways of making friends. His discovery of a fake internet friend also caused him to be helped by Tiny, his soon to be boyfriend. Tiny teaches Will lifelong lessons about love and happiness that could’ve contributed to Will’s personality change. However, further evidence …show more content…

Will and Tiny broke up in bad terms, with both sides not having complete closure between one another. Because of that, Gideon made a plan that caused Will to do things he wouldn’t normally do. The plan called for Will to “[talk] with strangers, asking strangers for favors, to be willing to make a complete fool of [himself], and to let someone else (gideon) help [him]” (Levithan 294-295). When Will accepts this plan by Gideon, he takes into account that this is for the benefit of Tiny. This is a sign that Will is becoming to think of other people besides himself. Will couldn’t believe that he was even doing this. This plan was so radical and uncalled for that he said it was “both insane and genius” (Levithan

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