Why Should Looking For Alaska Be Banned?

505 Words2 Pages

Kelly Shoup
English II

Looking for Alaska should not be banned Looking for Alaska is a book, written by John Green, that has been challenged many times by people who believe it to be inappropriate.This book definitely should not be banned. Looking for Alaska is a book that can teach many lessons; everyone should have access to this book. Correspondingly, Looking for Alaska teaches a good lesson to teens. It teaches them the implications of drinking and driving. After a long night of drinking Alaska, a young teenage girl, gets an unsettling phone call. She decides to go for a drive and no one stopped her. Later the Eagle, who runs the boarding school Culver Creek, would say that “she hit the cruiser without ever swerving. I believe she must have been very intoxicated”(pg.141). This example from Looking for Alaska shows that drinking …show more content…

The colonel, a young teenage boy who attends Culver Creek, was explaining why these two people were expelled the following year. He explains that they were discovered doing what he called ‘“the trifecta” they were caught commiting three of the culver creeks expellable offense… lying naked in bed together... already drunk… they were smoking a joint” (pg.23). The “inappropriate” content that he listed is nothing that teenagers do not hear spoken everyday. The reasons Looking for Alaska is banned is essential to the novel. Miles, the main character who is a teenager, became a smoker when he started going to school at Culver Creek. In the book he explains “I became a smoker because 1. I was on an adirondack suling by myself, and 2. I had cigarettes, and 3. I figured if everyone else could smoke a cigarette without coughing, I could damn well too”(pg.18). The fact that both Alaska and Miles smoke is an extremely important part of the book. If they did not smoke then they would not have gotten as close as they

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