Why I Chose To Study Social Work

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Reasons of Taken this class Last semester when I added this class to my schedule, I did it for a reason. I do not take classes in any field, in which does not pertain to my major in Social Work. All of the classes including this one had a purpose for me to take. Each class had some concepts, even though it was not a part of my department still held the idea of Social Work itself. For an example I am also a Sociology minor. I was able to complete the requirements asked of me to minor in Sociology. The reason I took up this minor is, because it went hand and hand with Social Work. Actually going through my Social Work, and Sociology courses even my professors said the majors worked well with each other. They are considered brother and sister fields of studies, along with criminal justice. HPE 135 Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco can give me more knowledge I can incorporate in my internship, as well as my future job in Social Work. My Professional Knowledge of HPE 135 …show more content…

My major is very broad, and you can go into a lot of directions with it. Social Work can allow you to work in mental health, child welfare, Clinical, be a counselor in a schools, and especially in substance abuse obviously relating to this very class. My particular concentration has to do with child welfare. I chose this branch of Social Work, because I like working with children and adolescents. One of the many things in child welfare are, we have to look out for substance abuse. Are goal in child welfare is make sure the child is safe wherever and whenever. Some of the cases where children were endangered or placed out of the home had to do with drugs being in the

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