Why Children's Development May Not Follow The Expected Pattern Essay

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Explain the reasons why children and young people’s development may not follow the expected pattern. Experts have devised a standard pattern of development for a healthy child in ideal conditions. But it is not possible that every child is born fit and gets the deserved conditions. Nature and nurture both equally contribute to the development of a child. Deficiencies in nurturing and/or abnormalities of nature may cause development not to follow the expected pattern. Natural factors are mainly personal, physical, emotional, etc. while nurturing is contributed by family, environment, culture, expectation, exposure, etc.  Disability: may have limitations to physical activities and affect several areas of development. If physical movements are restricted due to disability, then certain skills are hard to develop. Early support might help minimize the effects of disability. These children require additional support to help them develop which can involve providing the child with equipment that can allow the child to be more independent. for e.g. wheelchairs, walking equipment can help child move around and access resources.  Sensory impairment or Genetic disorders: This could affect child’s communication and reading-writing ability. Children with hearing …show more content…

Love, warmth, comforting, encouraging support from parents, siblings and other relatives brings the best out of the children. Every family has own style and beliefs which affect child’s development. Parents Aspirations and expectations have fruitful or stressful effects on development. Changes in family relations by divorce or death, redundancy or family financial crisis changes many things in child’s development. Also a child who has not formed an attachment or bonded with a primary carer, or whose attachment has been disrupted, may also be affected, as their feeling of personal identity and security will not develop as

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