When Fire Burns Short Story

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When Fire Burns What if she hadn’t woken up? What would have happened? Would we have survived? Would the firefighters have gotten here in time? Would we have even realized what was happening? Or would we have found out only to know that it was too late, when it had enclosed us. when it had burned it all down. It was a beautiful fall day with a slight breeze and the sun was shining. Ms. Ginger, had just pulled out a cigarette and as she smoked, she suddenly succumbed into drowsiness. She fell asleep. Later, she woke up to the strong smell of smoke as she glanced around her she suddenly realized- Her house was on FIRE! I was watching TV. with my younger brothers while my mom was making dinner, the smells of chicken …show more content…

“ Debra,” my oldest brother asked ‘what’s going to happen?” “It’s okay,” I lied. “Everything will be okay.” I didn’t know if I was trying to convince him or myself. This was the house that I have grown up in, every one of my best friends lived there and all my memories of home were there. I couldn’t sleep that night. Where would we go? Would any of my stuff survive? I had so many questions with no one to answer them. I went to school the next day, and let me make it clear, I did NOT want to go. My parents stayed in a hotel so I didn’t hear anything from them. I wanted to know what happened, but I would have to wait. The day seemed to take forever, were all days as long as this one? I checked the gray army clock in our classroom closely, waiting and waiting. When school finally ended, I was glad to see that my mom picked me up, but there wasn’t a moment to spare. “What happened to the house?” I blurted. “Did it burn all the way down?” “Can we go there right now?” My mom waited until I paused for an answer and gave me the news. “The firefighters don’t know how but our house survived,” she

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