What Is Success Essay

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What is success/being successful, according to today’s society? Provide 3 examples Success is a term used by almost every individual person on this green and blue planet that we call Earth. Whether it is parents, college professors, teachers, bosses, co-workers, and inspirational speakers, they all apply this word to everyday life, however what does it truly mean? Success is a noun that, by definition, stands for “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.” Although this is the official definition, society has a different definition for the phrase success. Society has defined the phrase success as being wealthy, having quite a few material items, having a stable well-paying job, and a healthy family as a side bonus. There are members of society …show more content…

Citizen Kane was a movie based on the life of a man named Citizen Kane, who was ripped away from his childhood onto a road to riches and success. Kane didn’t have a family when he died, but was immensely rich and was considered incredibly successful because of it. Kane shows that you don’t need a family to be successful, but shows that family is, for most, a personal requirement. Andrew Carnegie was a businessman who owned a monopoly over the railroad business of the 19th to 20th century of the United States. He also showed that being wealthy, owning lots of material items, and having a family is the ultimate sign of success, according to society. Bill Gates is the world’s richest man, who raised all of his money from creating the company, Microsoft. Bill is also considered extremely successful due to his wealth while also having a perfectly healthy family, much like Andrew …show more content…

It is possible to be successful with just a high school diploma, but it is much easier to be successful with a college degree in some field of study. With just a high school diploma, it is possible to have a successful life with a well paying job such as being a manager, police officer, military personnel, and even an employee of the garbage industry. College, however, offers many other jobs that are well paying or even give a sense of accomplishment or happiness. College leads to occupations such as being a CEO, scientist, teacher, artist, or another kind of STEM career. My road to success involves college, specifically a bachelor’s degree in computer sciences and business. With that degree, I have options opened for me that weren’t there before. Some of these options include, but not limited to, being a business owner, being a trader, working as a computer programmer, or game designer. Plenty of high profile occupations that offer access to an incredible life of success as long as hard work is also involved. The school’s old motto of “Empowered Learners meet High Expectations” definitely applied to myself as I felt that I was an “empowered learner.” As being such a kind of student, I feel that I had a responsibility put on me to meet such high expectations that society had for me. Some expectations I felt that I had to meet were constantly getting As and Bs in classes, going to college, graduating, and

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