What Does The American Dream Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

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Everyone has their own aspirations in life, despite the fact that it might not always be what’s best for them. Taking into consideration that anything is possible through effort and hard work, not everything will come out as expected. Anyone can dream, but will they achieve? Yes, and no. In the novel The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby, the head character, portrays many symbols through his character, morals, and spirit. Jay Gatsby symbolizes the most important one which is The American Dream. Most individuals try to achieve The American Dream although it is still unattainable. In the 1900’s, it became the possession of materialistic things. The author, F. Scott Fitzgerald warned that a pursuit of happiness driven by …show more content…

Gatz stated that as a child , “Jimmy (Gatsby) was bound to get ahead. He always had some resolves like this or something. Do you notice what he’s got about improving his mind? He was always great for that,” (page 173). Gatsby was the type of person who knew what he wanted to do and found a way to get there. Whatever the case was, Gatsby immediately got to it. Jay Gatsby had a lot of motivation and positive energy during his journey that kept him going. If one thing didn’t work out for him, he simply just tried another method. Gatsby was very determined and he believed that nothing was going to stop him from reaching what he wanted to achieve. A numerous amount of individuals will do whatever it takes to become successful and powerful in life. The Great Gatsby is a perfect example of The American Dream. For example, Tom Buchanan was very greedy. Even though he had everything someone would ever want; he was never satisfied. What he had wasn’t good enough, and he most certainly didn’t appreciate what he had including his family. Tom was always cheating on his wife, Daisy, and never really gave her the attention she needed. This continued till the day Gatsby came back into her life and was treating her way better than Tom ever

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