Unconditional Love In The Glass Castle Essay

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Unconditional love Love is the thing that holds a family together, without it the world would be a very lonely place. Hardships, misfortune, and trouble are all challenges people go through in life. With the support of family and love, it makes it possible to navigate through this mine field. In The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls makes several connections to loving family unconditionally. In the book, there is evidence of the kids being neglected and brought up in tough living situations. There are many conditions where the kids should not forgive the parents, but the kids turn towards a positive viewpoint, look for the bright sides of things, and love their parents no matter what. With the parents knowledge of their children’s ability to forgive …show more content…

They loved them so much even though the parents didn’t deserve it most of the time. That is unconditional love. They grew up very poor and were often forgotten about. There dad was an alcoholic who disappeared for days at a time, and bouncing from job to job. When he was home and drinking he “turned into an angry-eyed stranger who threw around furniture and threatened to beat up [their] mom or anyone who got in his way”(23). Most of her memories of her dad are him being drunk, which turns him abusive and rude. They don’t have much money so she looks at is as good opportunity for her father to stop drinking. Jeannette never only sees her dad as an alcoholic like she should, she still cherishes his love. Along with her father’s drinking problem, her mother’s lack of rules and parental skills are out of the norm. She believes "people worry.... “people worry too much about their children. Suffering when they are young is good for them”(28). Her mother believes that they can learn on their own, showing that she does not care about the hardships her children are constantly dealing with in their environment. With this negligence the children are often forgotten about as well. Jeannette was put in many situations where she thought her parents “might not come back for her or they might not notice she was missing”(30). That is not how a child is suppose to feel about her parents yet she constantly …show more content…

They made many mistakes but don’t seem to care much because they know their children will forgive them. Jeannette 's mother sees her weakness for her father and uses it against her. When ever she messed up she told the kids they “should forgive her the same way [they] always forgave Dad for is drink”(174). She expects them to forgive her just like they forgive their dad because she knows they always think the best of them. She messes up endless amounts of time but the kids forgive them every time because they care about them. They are very selfish, and exploit their kids love. Her father knows she has “a soft spot for him the way no one else in the family did, and he took advantage of it”(209). Jeannette know knows her dad is using her for her forgiveness, but she doesn’t seem to mind because she loves him so much. Her parents use their love to get what they want, and since the kids unconditionally love them. Her mother and father constantly need Jeannette’s help and love, more than she needs theirs. If jeannette ever says no they become disappointed and make her feel bad. But since they are family, they always stick

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