Uncle Monty Essay

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The children are once again on the road to meet their next relative Dr. Montgomery aka Uncle Monty. When they arrive he gives them a warm welcome which makes them feel like this experience will be the best yet. He had a house with a reptile room where he gives the orphans jobs to help him. Violet who invents traps, Klaus who reads up on the reptiles, and sunny who would bite ropes. Only a day in their new home uncle Monty invites them to Peru. He said that they would be leaving once his new assistant Stefano came into town. When the assistant arrives the children greeted him at his taxi. As they sat and examined him they realized it was Count Olaf in disguise. They began to feel real uncomfortable thinking of ways to tell Uncle Monty …show more content…

The next morning the children woke ready for the trip only to find that Uncle Monty was dead. Stephano had claimed that he was bitten by a snake but they were still going to Peru where he would then kidnap them, get their money, and kill them. Forced to leave with Stefano on their way to the loading dock they get into a car crash. The other care involved turned out to be Mr. Poe who was on his way to bring their luggage left behind after getting out of Olaf’s custody. Stephano explains how Uncle Monty had died from a snake bite and lies saying that they were going into town to get a doctor. The kids try to tell Mr. Poe that Stefano was Olaf in disguise, but the eye tattoo was missing when asked to lift up his pants leg. Mr. Poe insisted that they go back to the house and call a doctor instead. Arriving back at the house the doctor finally comes and looks at the body. He then places Uncle Monty’s body into his car saying he will do a further autopsy back at his lab. They began to have a long discussion on who would ride in which car since Mr. Poe’s car no longer worked and the kids refused to ride with Stefano alone. While the doctor, Stephano, and Mr. Poe sat and thought of a plan the kids wondered off to come up with a plan to

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