Time Management In College Essay

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Essay One Learning better time management is a skill that is essential to a successful college experience. It is something I have been severely lacking this term. Time management is a skill I need to learn, since I plan on being in school for at least another three years. Needing to get good grades with a full load of classes so I can have a wider range of college transfer options. Wanting to play soccer competitively and at a college level. Maintaining relationships with friends and family. Trying not to quit my job, finding a moment where I can be by myself and breathe, as well as being able to shower for more than five minutes. All of these are goals that I want to achieve and they will be accomplishable with a set schedule paired with the discipline to follow it. Time management is a skill I see not only being useful in the life of a student but in the life of anyone who has completely overloaded themselves with obligations. Some people are forgetful and simply need a plan to follow so they can stay on track. While everyone may not need to know how to effectively organize their time and can get by without it. It is a beneficial skill that everyone could gain something from if they …show more content…

After I have set my schedule, I will begin tracking my progress and manipulating the schedule accordingly. I will follow the schedule I set for the day checking to see what things I have been able to accomplish. The first few days things while be moved around and prioritized, if I find out the task I assigned myself only takes forty-five minutes instead of an hour I may cut down the time I have allowed myself accordingly. The same is true for the opposite, and if something takes me an hour and thirty minutes when I only gave myself an hour, the schedules will be changed for the next day with more time allotted to the

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