Thoreau's Essay: Do I Do What You Love?

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Henry David Thoreau once wrote, “Do what you love. Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it and gnaw it still” (“Henry David Thoreau”). Though the quote might be a bit out there, the point rings true; it’s important to know who you are and to do what you love. I'm going to be focusing the latter for this essay, but the two generally go hand in hand. It’s hard to do what you love if you don't even know who you are. Say you've had a really terrible day. You oversleep, because you overslept, you don't have to time to eat breakfast, on your way to work, you hit every red light, because you hit every red light you were late for work and your boss yells at you. This is just an example of a fairly bad day. There are of course worse things at can happen, but at the end of this day, I doubt you would be in a very good mood. So what do you do? You can of course take your anger out of others, but this typically isn't a very good idea for a number of …show more content…

I believe you should do what you love in life, whether you do it to relieve the stress from a bad day, or you choose to go out and make a career out of what you love to do. It will enrich your life in the long run, and make you feel like your life has meaning to it, that you actually accomplished something and didn't waste your life doing things that don't meaning anything. I'm not alone in this belief there are plenty of people that share this believe. I've already mentioned that Henry David Thoreau agreed, but there are several other people also. David Frost once said “Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally” (“David Frost”). If they believe you should do what you love and have had successful careers because they choose to do what they loved, it stands to reason that it’s a fairly good philosophy to live

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