Theodore Roosevelt Research Paper Outline

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Daniel Oduntan Linda Graham HIST 1302 30 October 2017 Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 in New York City, New York in the United States. Theodore was the second child of four children in a wealthy, upper-class family. Theodore’s father was a businessman and philanthropist. Theodore’s mother was also born from an affluent family. Starting at a very early age, Theodore suffered from a heavy case of asthma and had horrible eyesight throughout his whole life. He did a lot of physical activity and developed a very strong physique. Despite physical barriers, Theodore had a very strong outlook on life and was very strong physically and mentally. Theodore was also very intelligent and he attended Harvard College and Columbia Law School. Three years later in 1884, both Theodore’s mom and his first wife (Alice Hathaway Lee) died on the same day. Theodore was so depressed about his loved one’s death that he decided to leave politics and spend two years on a cattle ranch. Five years later, Roosevelt became active in politics again and fought against corruption by becoming a member of the U.S. Civil Service Commission through 1889-1895. After 1895, Theodore got appointed as the assistant secretary of the navy by William McKinley. Theodore demanded a bigger navy because he was getting nervous about a war with Spain. War with Spain was declared in 1898, and Theodore consequently made the Rough Riders. The Rough Riders was tough and was he first volunteer Calvary. They were sent to fight in Cuba. Roosevelt was very bold and became an extremely popular figure. The Rough Riders charge up Kettle Hill made Theodore the biggest national hero in the Spanish-American War. Theodore’s strong mindset and actions influenced the people around him and helped them, The Rough Riders, win the Spanish-American

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