Themes In Looking For Alaska

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The novel Looking For Alaska, by John Green, is a story of joy, love and sorrow through the relationship between the two protagonists, the style of writing the author uses, and finally the scene of how Dr.Hyde teaches the inevitable. Pudge, the protagonist is the new kid at Culver Creek boarding school and through his new roommate ‘The Colonel’(Chip) he is introduced to Alaska Young. Ms. Young is no ordinary person to Pudge, in fact to him she is extraordinary, and like no one he has ever met. Pudge fantasizes a relationship with Alaska but is torn apart when she tells him she has a boyfriend. The friendship between Pudge and Alaska grows as they are in several of the same academic classes, and are in the same trouble-maker group of friends. …show more content…

Although Dr.Hyde’s history class is often dreaded by the students, towards the end of the novel he said something that really spoke to me as the reader; Hyde summed up life. “‘Everything that comes together falls apart’, the Old Man said. “Everything. The chair I'm sitting on. It was built, and so it will fall apart. I'm going to fall apart, probably before this chair. And you're gonna fall apart. The cells and organs and systems that make you you-they came together, grew together, and so must fall apart’”(Page 196). This quote came fifty-one days after Alaska’s death. What Dr.Hyde said here made the book worth reading, in fact, I’ve never heard anything more relatable in life than what was said here. In life, everyone will eventually fall apart; hopefully a long time from now, but it’s something that will happen so it’s important to make the most of life today. The journey through life's a maze; a labyrinth. Few will ever find their labyrinth, and the one’s in search will die too young to discover it. Alaska wanted to unveil her labyrinth, but never did. Basically, what I’m saying is that these lines by Dr.Hyde showed me to live life to the fullest, because eventually we all fall

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