The Street by Octavio Paz

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To begin with the chosen poem is the street written by Octavio Paz in 1963. The poem style is written in free verse consisting of 14 stanzas, the poem does not consist of rhyme patterns or many literary devises. The meaning behind The Street by Octavio is about how Octavio is not sure what he wants exactly sure out of life, After Octavio resigned from being Mexico’s’ ambassador he was not sure if he made the right choice or if what he is going to do now. Although By the end of the poem he is trying to come to terms with his decision so he finally confronts "nobody." The street, by Octavio Paz uses an extended metaphor and imagery to convey the struggle which he has inside of himself. In his poem, “The Street”, Octavio Paz uses the literary devise of an extended metaphor, and imagery, and a mysterious, foreshadowing almost tone to capture the reader’s attention. Octavio past uses dark mysterious tones, and mood to capture the illusion of confusion. To Begin with “The Street” has dark tones and a mysterious mood, an example being the first and second stanza “Here is a long and silent street. I walk in blackness and I stumble and fall”. Secondly in 1962, Paz became Mexico’s ambassador to Indian and resigned six years. This event led him to become confused and alone, thus creating the confusion and lugubrious tone in “The Street”. Lastly Octavio Paz Uses words in “The Street” like “Silent Street, everything dark and door less, dry leaves, and nobody”. He uses words like this to give the poem a melancholy mood. The poem has a mysterious and mysterious mood to it, yet even though Paz does not use many literary devices in this poem it is still interesting and a great poem. “The street” is unlike most poems Octavio Paz has writte... ... middle of paper ... ...nobody”, that now he views life differently. The street, by Octavio Paz uses an extended metaphor and imagery to convey the struggle which he has inside of himself. To start off with the overall theme of “The Street” is life is a long lonely road to travel, with many paths to take, meaning that the theme of the poem can be reflected nearly throughout the entire poem. Secondly the poetic devise are what create the poem itself, even though this is a free verse poem it is still as complicating emotional. Lastly “The Street” relates to a lot of people on an emotional level because everyone goes through a point in their life here they are not sure which choice to make, but there will be a certain point in time where they have to make a choice. Octavio Paz, “The Street” is overall a brilliant poem, which will cause the reader to really analyze and appreciate the poem.

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