The Stone of Eternal Power - Original Writing

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The Stone of Eternal Power - Original Writing Despite being terrified, I was standing up straight wearing my neatest clothes, ready to knock on the huge wooden door. My legs were trembling with fear, why would a poor old man invite me to this creepy cottage? He said he had important news to tell me, he told me that I was brave enough to do something for him (but what could it be?) also there was something very mysterious, he was covering his face with some kind of cloth, why would he do that? Its not like he's some kind of an alien. After a while I told myself to go in, he still had that ripped cloth on his face. With a very deep and clear voice he explained to me about the magical stone, that it was the only hope of saving the whole entire planet. At first I didn't believe a word he said, but then something absolutely strange happened he took off the cloth and there I saw four middle sized eyes on his face. Was this some kind of a sick joke or was I dreaming? I asked the man who looked like a freak, why he chose me to find the eternal stone of power? After several hours of talking together, I knew what I had to do. I ran quickly down the stairs of the cottage, I got all my things needed for the long and of course tiring journey. I ran s quick as lighting to my motor scooter, it was old but it was the fastest thing I had. Without thinking I rode off to the highway to tell the man my goodbyes. The sun was high up in the sky, the sun was as hot as a meteor. Everything around me seemed to be boiling with heat. I have to reach the snowy island before sunset I told myself, I had to go through a long difficult journey full of challenging obstacles to over come. I headed towards the snowy island with many thoughts ringing in my head.

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