The Simple Gift

549 Words2 Pages

Friendship means different things for everyone. It can mean happiness and trust. Friends are important to connect to, talk to, and to help in tough situations. Friends help teach life lessons. Most importantly, friends are there to love and to feel loved. The Simple Gift by Steven Herrick revolves around the friendship between the main characters, Old Bill, Billy, and Caitlin. Their friendship resulted in them learning valuable life lessons and experiencing the power of love.

The main character Billy, moved away from his abusive father and ended up in the Bendarat Freight Yard. There he truly learned what it felt like to love and to be loved. Firstly, his friendship with Old Bill taught him that everyone should have a chance to change. This friendship affected his outlook on life, and in addition, his relationship with Old Bill helped him start fresh. When Billy had to move away, Old Bill gave up his house for Billy to live in. This taught Billy that true friends always find a way to help each other. Lastly, Billy's relationship with Caitlin taught him that even though they had tota...

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