The Role Of Slavery In American History

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In American history slavery has been recognized as one of the discrimination towards the African Americans, they have struggled to be a single individual and be free. Slavery has been going on throughout history it has done multiple damage to the slaves they couldn’t be independent they had been controlled by the whites and abused by them in many ways that can leave them scared or not being able to do any motions with their body. Whites can do anything with a slave like own one, buy, sell, etc. it gets to the point where they rape the African American woman’s even they speak up towards themselves there’s no solution that anyone can help. The kid gets taken away from their mothers at a very young age and that child becomes a slave automatically the whites makes sure the kids don’t ever see their mothers but certain kids work with their mothers. If the kid’s mother passes away they can’t visit their funeral and can’t see them when their sick if they do the kid will get punished for it. Slaves don’t …show more content…

experience towards the African Americans it’s a memory that gets stuck in their heads and to never forget about being a slave till this day blacks get blamed more than whites because blacks are so violent and might hurt others but the whites don’t know the full picture they judge a book by its cover. In the beginning of the movie the African Americans used to be free and lived on their lives until a tragedy happen till everything ended for them and had to be used like a toy and weapon to the whites. The slaves try to find their freedom and when it’s freedom for them everything else is just past and moved on to their happy life. Experiencing these tragedies that slaves go through must be really hard to just be working nonstop, obeying the rules, and feeling the pain rushing through their body without getting any medical attentions but this has stopped and now till this day people can just be happy live on

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