The Role Of A Father

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Parents are an important role in children lives, especially the father. The father role is to take care of the household, provides for the family, and shows love and care for the family or child. Some children feel worthless, feel that they have to take care of the family (become the father figure). But there are some children who strive to be the best they ca be to prove they made it without their father.
"My father wasn't there for me," said Montray Norris, 30, a thick, African American man with a fade and nice edge up and five o'clock shadow, stopping to coo at his now-32-month-old child. "There's nothing on the planet that is gonna keep me from being there for my little man." One-third of American kids are growing up, as Montray did, without their living father, as stated by the U.S. Statistics Bureau. In the previous 50 years, the rate of kids who live with two wedded folks has dropped 22 focuses. Throughout that same time, the amount of children destined to unwed moms bounced from 5 percent to 40 percent.
The developing pattern of father unlucky deficiency could have grave suggestions for public opinion, analysts say, on the grounds that having father around has been connected to essential improvements in a youngster's physical, passionate and behavioral wellbeing. In the meantime, however, research demonstrates it’s insufficient simply to have a male figure in the home. A few heading sociologists have marked father nonattendance "the most pressing issue confronting America today." Alarmed by developing confirmation of the criticalness of parenthood, President Barack Obama, who was raised by a single parent, has powerfully begged fathers to venture up all around his presidency.
Pg. 2
"From various perspectives, I came to ...

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...dhood, but his uncle and mother helped him get on track to grow to be a successful man. Khaila explained that she never had a father figure other than her grandpa. She knew who her father was and her father knew who she was, the father just decided not to be in her life. You are thinking she did not live a good life. Actually Khaila is living a great life; she has excelled in school and never gave up on herself. She states that, “The fact that my father is not in my life, pushes me to be the best I can be and grow up to be somebody. I can’t wait till I'm successful to say I made it without his love and care.”

Pg. 5
So yea living without a father or growing up without a father can cause a lot of effects on children today, but not all children stop their lives and start bad ones. Some children are striving and pushing themselves to be somebody, without their fathers.

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