The Road Monologue

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Following Me! Dark and foggy. This feels endless. I've been driving on this road for hours. I arrive at a fork in the road. I can't go right because there is a fallen tree on the road. I'll have to go left but there are signs saying, “turn back”, and “wrong way.” I must go left. While I'm driving, I pass a house with a dirt drive way and I say to myself, “who would live out here?” Then when I pass some trees, the house comes back into view again. It gave me shivers down my spine once I saw it. It was like the house from “Cabin in the woods” but ten times scarier. I didn't want anyone to know I was here so I sped up and kept driving. Then when I look back at the house through the rear-view mirror. A man was standing on the veranda. “The man …show more content…

I almost had a heart attack. I just skipped a heartbeat. I turn back and walk a little faster. I can hear the twigs snapping getting closer so I just get faster and faster. Then I blink for one second and I run into a tree. I dropped my glasses upon Impact. I had no time to look for them so I just stood back up and bolted for my life. My feet are still hurting but my feet aren't the priority now. All I had on my mind was that I had to run to live or give up and die. The sound of twigs breaking are getting louder so I sped up even more. Feeling the wet, soggy bark as I stumble through the Forrest. I don't think this guy is going to stop chasing me. Eventually my feet give up and I'm leaving blood foot prints everywhere. Miraculously I can see blurred image of red and blue lights.” The police!” I yelled. I could hear the man grunting behind me now. I started to climb a hill that leads up onto the high way. I make it to the cop car and the police officer grabs me and puts me in the back of his vehicle. The officer does a quick check of the surroundings and says it is all clear. He gets back into the car and introduces himself. The officer drives me home. After a long drive, he pulls up in my driveway, where my car

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