The Negative Nuclear Family: The Ideas Of The Family

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The family is one of the strongest institutions of which Sociologists analyse, it contributes to the up-brining and development of Morals and Ethics. The main ideas of the family have been adapted either as a response or agreement to the Structural Functionalists who believe that the only ‘functional’ family type is the ‘Normative Nuclear Family’. Whilst ‘doing family’ I have experienced various different family ‘types’. In 18years, I have experienced the Nuclear Family, the Extended Family, and I’ve been part of a mixed family. Mu family has developed an Extended Family Network and I have experienced separation from my father My Sociological Autobiography focused on the way conceptual ideas such as the Normative Nuclear Family (and its functionality) and things such as the extended Family Network interact with me personally. I will talk about Family using my Sociological Imagination. Families are found in various different cultures and societies. Schaefer (2009) defines family as “A set of people related by blood, …show more content…

This includes the way its functions affect the members of the Family. Functionalists look at family in regard to how it holds and maintains itself within society, including key aspects of order, stability, and each member 's personal contribution/significance to the family. One Functionalist is Talcott Parsons (1995), who theorises on the stability of the Normative Nuclear Family. Parsons argued “that the nuclear family life is essentially harmonious and stable” … “that roles within families are allocated effectively in accordance with males ' instrumental and females ' expressive characteristics;” … “nuclear family contributes usefully to the maintenance of societies which are themselves (basically via the Socialisation of the young) which includes ‘appropriate gender role Socialisation’ and the stabilisation of adult

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