The Movie Crash Analysis

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The movie, Crash revolves in the theme of racism and diversity in which focuses on different people’s life stories and how racial prejudice influences their decision making processes and life. After the light in the classroom was illuminated and the movie was over, my reaction to the movie were intense and mixed. The movie makes me think of social issues such as Islamophobia that are happening today in the U.S. Watching the movie with my classmates who have different culture and religious beliefs, the movie reminds me of my own roots as a daughter who is raised under the influence of my Chinese’s parents. In addition, the movie reminds me the meaning and importance of respect. There are many scenes especially throughout the movie that are …show more content…

Since I was taught in middle school on the definition of melting pot, the meaning of that term is the acceptance and respectfulness among people despite of the difference in gender, race and religions. The movie and the theory of melting pot both remind me of the diversity in the class and in the country of U.S as well. After I watched the movie with a diverse group, I feel thankful to people from the past that fought for the problem of racial discrimination in which promotes equality and peace to the modern society in U.S. My classmates and I are raised and taught with different values therefore we should respect each other. Since I was born in New York City, I was raised and taught by my Chinese parents. Therefore, I respect both values from American and Chinese cultural beliefs. I also respect my classmates who have different cultural identities than me. Furthermore, I also understand that my classmates have different views than me on cultural identity in which I personally don’t explore my own cultural identity. I highly value the concept of respect to different cultures more than self-identity. When I was watching the movie, I remember the scene when two police officers were abusing their powers to harass two innocent people rendered my feeling of uncomfortableness. At that moment, my attention was briefly drifted to my classmates because I wanted to see their reaction to that particular scene. From that moment, I also saw the difference in gender and physical appearance. Despite the difference, individuals should still show respect on this difference instead of supporting racial discrimination. My belief is similar to the term, cultural competency in which the ability for people to be respectful to one and other regardless of the difference in cultural identity. My classmates and I have interest in the

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