The Morals and Ethics of Genetic Engineering

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Introduction Widely considered a revolutionary scientific breakthrough, genetic engineering has been on a path toward changing the world since its introduction in 1973 by Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer (What). However, as genetic engineering slowly permeates the lives of humanity, the morals and ethics behind what are now common practices are entering public attention, and as a culture we are left to question whether the change brought on by such a discovery bring benefits and positive change, or damage and destruction. Genetic engineering is justified through applied bioethics and despite arguments against its societal implantation, should be fully utilized in efforts to develop into the 21st century. Genetic engineering refers to the technology used to alter and transport genomes and organisms, effectively shaping them to the desire or will of the geneticist. Genetic engineering can also be referred to as Genetic Modification or Genetic Manipulation (Genetics). Organisms that undergo or are created by the process of genetic engineering are referred to as Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs for short. Genetic engineering can be used to create or change entire species, such as glow in the dark organisms, and is widely used in industries such as agriculture and energy production (Genetics). The scientific process of genetic engineering is very complex and much more difficult than it would seem. First, an organism with the desired trait is located and selected. Cellular DNA is extracted from this organism to transplant the desired trait into the new organism. Gene cloning follows, with the locating and copying of the desired trait. The new gene(s), called a transgene is delivered into cells of the recipient organism, or trans... ... middle of paper ... ...'s AgBiosafety for Educators. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2013. "What Is Genetic Engineering?" Union of Concerned Scientists. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. Willams Jones, Brynn. History of a Gene Patent: Tracing the Development and Application of Commercial BCRA Testing. Rep. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. Shippling, Taylor. THE GENETIC ENGINEERING OF ALGAE TO PRODUCE A MORE EFFICIENT BIOFUEL. University of Pittsburgh, n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2013. Walton, Harry. “What Theological Reservations Might Be Raised concerning Genetic Engineering in Humans? How Might Those Reservations Be Countered?” N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. "Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States." Guttmacher Institute. Guttmacher Institute, Oct. 2013. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. Deem, Rich. "The Bible and Abortion: The Biblical Basis for a Prolife Position." God And Science. Evidence for God, n.d. Web.

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